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7. Board and Steering Committee Members of Japan Network Information Center Japanese Page

as of May 25, 1995

 Term of office
   Executives : March 31,1997
   Steering committee members : March 31,1997

President               : Jun Murai
Vice President          : Shin Yoshimura

Trustees                : Reiji Aibara
                          Shouichiro Asano
                          Haruhisa Ishida
                          Toshifumi Matsumoto
                          Naomasa Maruyama
                          Jun Murai
                          Shin Yoshimura

Auditors                : Kazunori Konishi
                          Koki Higashida

Chair of the Steering Committee      : Masaki Hirabaru

Vice Chair of the Steering Committee : Hiroaki Takada

Steering Committee Members: Toshiya Asaba
                            Atsuko Oka
                            Tohru Okuyama
                            Akira Kato
                            Kazue Kamiyama
                            Kazunori Konishi
                            Kunio Goto
                            Shigeki Goto
                            Susumu Sano
                            Shin-ich Suzuki
                            Haruyuki Tatsumi
                            Jun-ichi Nakamura
                            Masaya Nakayama
                            Koki Higashida
                            Toshifumi Matsumoto
                            Jun Murai
                            Shin Yoshimura

Secretary-general         : Naomasa Maruyama

Secretariat Members       : Fumiyo Yoshizawa
                            Ikuo Kojima
                            Akihiro Fukano
                            Masumi Tada
                            Masaya Nakayama
                            Masayo Yamagami
                            Yukiko Shinoda

7.2 Working Group

   The name of JPNIC WG and part, constituent for the 1995 fiscal year

Abbreviated title | DOM WG
English name      | JP domain name registration working group
Part              | Registration procedure of JP domain name registration
                  | and discussion about the registration regulations,
                  | answers for questions, registration of geographic
                  | domain type experimentation, etc...
Constituent       | Director            Kazue Kamiyama
                  | Assistant Director     ---
Abbreviated title | IP-AS WG
English name      | IP address and AS number assignment working group
Part              | Assignment of IP address and AS number
Constituent       | Director            Toshiya Asaba
                  | Assistant Director  Akira Kato
Abbreviated title | DB WG
English name      | Database Management Working group
Part              | JPNIC database Management (new/update registration
                  | procedure, Data maintenance and management, Information
                  | reflection in InterNIC/APNIC, Setting up/management
                  | /development whois server, Investigation experimentation
                  | of new protocol Ex.rwhois, etc...)
Constituent       | Director            Hiroaki Takada  (db-in/overall)
                  | Assistant Director  Tohru Okuyama (whois/overall)
Abbreviated title | DNS WG
English name      | DNS Working Group
Part              | DNS management and putting into practice
Constituent       | Director            Akira Kato
                  | Assistant Director  Hiroaki Takada
Abbreviated title | PUB WG
English name      | Publication working group
Part              | Publication of News Letter, and publicity activities
                  | of publishing and correspondence to Fair
Constituent       | Director            Jun-ichi Nakamura
                  | Assistant Director  Shin Yoshimura
Abbreviated title | SOC WG
English name      | Social affairs working group
Part              | Coordinating FUTURE and FINANCE, taking charge of
                  | activities which will be useful  to rise in social
                  | position of JPNIC. To put it concretely, through
                  | external system and communication with intellectuals
                  | we make confidence and contribute to strengthen JPNIC base.
                  | Furthermore, we support to incorporate JPNIC. In this
                  | point, we consider to hold JPNIC seminar for business
                  | administrator and planner in charge and so forth.
Constituent       | Director            Kazunori Konishi
                  | Assistant Director  Toshifumi Matumoto
Abbreviated title | Future WG
English name      | JPNIC Future working group
Part              | Discussing JPNIC Future
Constituent       | Director            Koki Higashida
                  | Assistant Director  Kazunori Konishi
Abbreviated title | INTL WG
English name      | International Liaison Group
Part              | Playing a part of Liaison between JPNIC and international
                  | organizations. However, if there are another international
                  | coordination with another working group, it will be
                  | esteemed. This working group aims at cooperating with
                  | several activities which will be required in the future
                  | ,especially in Asia pacific area.
Constituent       | Director            Shigeru Goto
                  | Assistant Director  Masaki Hirabaru
Abbreviated title | Rule WG
English name      | Rule working group
Part              | To run and bring up JPNIC healthily, we draw up and revise
                  | , discuss the regulations and another item which is
                  | similar to them.
Constituent       | Director            Shin-ichi Suzuki
                  | Assistant Director  Toshifumi Matsumoto
Abbreviated title | IS WG
English name      | Information service working group
Part              | We provide the information which shall be stipulate
                  | in the article 2 and 3 of JPNIC regulation. We arrange
                  | the information which another working groups prepare
                  | such as data basing registration management procedure
                  | and information for users, application form and so on.
                  | Furthermore, we prepare the original information
                  | and aim at developing useful and interesting information
                  | for the development of computer networks. Considering
                  | about Liaison between the information services of another
                  | countries and accesses from general foreign users, we
                  | accumulate English materials as possible.
Constituent       | Director            Haruyuki Tatsumi
                  | Assistant Director  Kunio Goto
Abbreviated title | STAT WG
English name      | Statistics Working Group
Part              | Discussing the Statistic data which must be taken as JPNIC,
                  | and collecting/management/offer the statistic data.
Constituent       | Director            Atsuko Oka
                  | Assistant Director  Tohru Okuyama

7.3 Members list of Japan Network Information Center

  Members list of Japan Network Information Center, as of June 13, 1995

For latest information and contact person for each member, please
refer to ftp:pub/jpnic-pub/jpnic-members.txt.

Regional Internet Connection-Tsukuba Committee (RIC-Tsukuba)
Tohoku internet (Tohoku-inet)
Chugoku-Shikoku Internet Council (CSI)
Tokai Regional Network Dynamics (TOKAI)
Todai International Science Network (TISN)
IIJ Internet (IIJ)
Tohoku Open Internet Community (TOPIC)
Japan Academic Inter-university Network (JAIN)
WIDE Internet (WIDE)
Japan Organized InterNetwork (JOIN)
"Because It's Time" Network in JaPan (BITNETJP)
Science Information network (SINET)
West InterNetwork Complex (WINC)
Kyushu Regional Research Network (KARRN)
Osaka Regional Information and Open Network System (ORIONS)
Tokyo Regional Academic Inter-Network (TRAIN)
Network Organization for Research and Technology in Hokkaido (NORTH)
AT&T Jens Spin Internet Services (Spin)
InfoWeb (InfoWeb)
Genome Database Network in Japan (GDBnetJP)
PSI Japan (PSI)
STARNET Co., Ltd. (STAR-Internet)
Inter-Ministry network (IMnet)
Yamanashi Area Internet Organization (YACC)
C&C Internet Service mesh (MESH)
Tokai Communication Platform Network (TCP)
Research Association for Chemistry, Biology and Informatics (CBI)
InfoSphere (InfoSphere)
Cyber Technologies International K.K. (Cyber-NET)
NIS Internet (NIS)
Tokyo Internet (TokyoNet)
Council for Advanced communication Network (JTNET)
InternetKDD (InternetKDD)
Global OnLine (GOL)
CR Internet (CRnet)
Architech & Arts, Incorporated. (AAA)
Joint Utilization Tests Project of Multimedia Communications by NTT (NTT-MM-P)
Advanced Shinshu Internet Council Network (ASINC)
Sinfony (Sinfony)
High-speed Information Telecomunication System Co., (HITS)

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