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BoF名 | Mozilla Firefox 3 最新情報 BoF |
BoF開催団体名 | 有限責任中間法人 Mozilla Japan |
開催日時 | 2006年12月6日 18:30-20:30 |
参加者数 | 25名 |
BoFの概要 |
Mozilla Firefox 3開発担当Stuart ParmenterとVladmir Vukicevicが初来日。 Firefox 3の展望を語ります。 日本のウェブユーザーの生の声を伝えるチャンスです。 未来のインターネットを共に創り上げるためにぜひご参加ください。 |
総括 / 所感 |
Mozilla Japan very much enjoyed the opportunity to bring the news about Firefox 3 and next generation web browsers to the Internet Week community. If we were given the same opportunity next year, we would spend more time promoting the event to raise the number of participants. The room and the facilities were excellent, no complaints there. The main challenge in raising BoF participation are:
-location of the event (Yokohama vs. Tokyo)
The evening format is appropriate for a BoF and the free price is also important. We look forward to the opportunity to present again next year. Thank you very much.
Gen Kanai