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IP Address Policy Development Process in Japan

What is IP Address Policy

IP Address Policies describe policies for the responsible management of global IPv4 public address space. Policy documents outline the overall structure, principals, goals, definitions and criteria covering Internet number resource distribution.

Each Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) have policy documents for their respective region. In the APNIC region, some National Internet Registries (NIRs) in the have policy documents in their own language and some local policies, given that policies are consistent with those of APNIC.

JPNIC policies describes such policies which are applicable to all users of IP address as well as Internet Registries in Japan, including JPNIC itself.

IP Address Policy Development in Japan

IP Address Policies are developed by the Internet community, and RIR and NIRs document and publish policies, based on consensus of respective Address Policy Forum. The basic principles of policy development process are "open", "transparent", "consensus-based" and "bottom-up". Based on these principles, Anyone who is interested to participate is able to join in policy development process and able to follow the discussions and the process.

While coordinating and collaborating with the community of Asia Pacific region, JPNIC IP Address Policies are developed based on consensus by Japanese Internet community.

Policy Development Process for IP address and AS number policies in Japan are defined in JPNIC document "IP Address Policy Development Process in JPNIC".

The process is consistent with those of APNIC, based on public call for proposals, discussions on both mailing list and face to face meeting, and consensus at both the meeting and on the mailing list. Policy proposals which have reached consensus in Open Policy Forum in Japan, followed up approval from JPNIC Board will be reflected in JPNIC's IP address and AS number policies.

Open Policy Forum in Japan

Open Policy Forum in Japan is a forum to discuss, coordinate and reach consensus about policies for allocation and management of IP Addresses and AS Numbers in Japanese IP Address Community.

Anyone can participate this Open Policy Forum without any special qualification required.

The forum is run by "Policy Working Group" composed of volunteer members of the community, other than JPNIC staff. This is ensure that Policy Development Process reflects the consensus of the community, independent from JPNIC.

The final implementation decision regarding proposed policies is made by JPNIC, after a proposal reaches consensus in Open Policy Forum.

Open Policy Meetings for IP Address Policy Development

Currently, "JPNIC Open Policy Meeting" is held twice a year as Onsite Open Policy Forum to discuss JPNIC's IP Address Policies.

Please refer to "Past Onsite Forum" page of the Open Policy Forum about details of the program and proposals in the past JPNIC Open Policy Meetings.

* From 1997 through 2001, discussion forum in Japan has been organized by the name of "IP Users Offline Meeting".

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