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3.7 Activity Report of JPNIC Secretariat (4/1999-7/1999)

(JPNIC secretariat)

April 8 (Thu.) Explanatory Session for New Members
April 16 (Fri.) 24th Steering Committee Meeting
April 19 (Mon.) 9th Board of Directors Meeting
April 22 (Thu.) Explanatory Session for New Members
April 28 (Wed.) Explanatory Session for 1st Recruitment of Employees for 2000
May 8 (Sat.) Explanatory Session for 1st Recruitment of Employees for 2000
May 13 (Thu.) 6th General Meeting, rectures on the Internet, Reception
May 19 (Wed.) 25th Steering Committee Meeting
May 27 (Thu.) Explanatory Session for New Members
June 2 (Wed.)-4 (Fri.)
June 10 (Thu.) Explanatory Session for New Members
June 17 (Thu.) 26th Steering Committee Meeting
June 22 (Tue.)-25 (Fri.) INET'99 (San Jose)

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