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8. References Japanese Page

8.2 Mailing Lists

(JPNIC secretariat)

JPNIC operates the following open mailing lists. For details of how to participate, please refer to:


JPNIC-INFO mailing list:
A mailing list for various information provided by JPNIC.
Announcements are made of revisions to published JPNIC documents such as registration regulations, as well as announcements of various forthcoming conferences.
IP-USERS mailing list:
This open mailing list is a forum for the exchange of information on the world situation regarding IP address allocation and operation, and for the exchange of opinions regarding allocation policies and application procedures in Japan.
DOMAIN-TALK mailing list:
With the rapid increase in the number of Internet users around the world, the situation regarding the registration and operation of JP domain names is also undergoing rapid change.
The purpose of this open mailing list is to ensure that the opinions of as many people as possible are reflected in the process of registration JP domain names, thereby helping JPNIC to ensure that registration is conducted in a manner appropriate to the Internet's environment and user needs.
EDU-TALK mailing list:
It is important to conduct education activities to ensure the sound promotion and development of the Internet in Japan. This open mailing list is intended to be of use for people associated with these education activities.
FINANCE-TALK mailing list:
The FINANCE-TALK mailing list was established for the purpose of examining JPNIC's financial issues from a broad range of perspectives, but was closed on May 25, 1999 due to inactivity.

JPNIC is continuing to discuss its financial issues internally. Please contact goiken@nic.ad.jp or suggestions@nic.ad.jp with any specific proposals or suggestions.

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