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3.2 Advance Notice: Deadline on registration of your name server to JPNIC

(JP Domain Name Working Group)

Currently, based on the following expiration guidelines, JPNIC deletes all domain name registrations for which name server is not registered, for the periods of time specified in Article 27 of JPNIC's "details of revisions to domain name registration regulations "(Expiration for failure to set up name server).

In case of registration or change of a domain name
at the end ofthe 12th month.
In case of deletion of registered name server
at the end of the6th month.

Due to the rather long period of time before a domain is deleted, certain domain names tend to be expired without recognition of the holder's.

For this reason, JPNIC has decided to provide the following advance notification for those domains that are deemed likely to be deleted. Notification by E-Mail will be sent to the notification address that was indicated by the registering party when the domain information was originally submitted. Subsequently, notification will be sent by snail mail to the registering party. If your contact information changes at any time after your domain is granted, be sure to update your domain registration information as well. The inability to contact you could result in the deletion of your name server account.

If you receive such a notification and would like to retain your name server, be sure to carefully note the deadline for submitting a reply, as under no circumstances are we able to extend the expiration date.

Notification title: "Notification of Time Limit of Name Server Setup for Domain Name" Notification method: * Snail mail: (Address/Date) - Sent to the person in charge in the registered organization - Sent at the end of the month preceding the month in which the expiration date falls.

* By E-Mail:

- Sent to the notification address indicated in the domain registration information.
- Sent 7 days prior to notification by post.

Intended recipient
* Name of registered organization
* Domain name
* Name server set-up expiration date (the date domain name will be deleted) Notification start time:

- All domain names whose expiration date falls later than the end of 12/1999.

* E-mail
- Sent to the notification address listed in the domain registration information
- The end of 11/1999 (approx.)
* Snail mail
- Person in charge in the registered organization
- Dispatched at the end of November 1999

* At the 11th Office Contacts Meeting, we had planned to provide notification to intermediaries; however, we decided instead to only dispatch the notification to the notification address listed in the domain registration information.

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