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3. Special Issues Japanese Page

3-1 New JP Domain Name

JP domain names, of which more than 190,000 had been registered as of July 1, 2000, are greatly increasing in importance. As a result, JPNIC receives a great deal of inquiries covering a wide range of subjects, including requests for permission for organizations to register multiple domain names, and simplification of the registration procedure.

In response to these requests, JPNIC established a task force in February 2000, to be collaboratively administered by the JP Domain Name Working Group and the Planning/International Affairs Working Groups. It has been making efforts to address these requests and consider JP domain names that are easier to use. As these activities are carried out, discussions will be disclosed as deemed appropriate, and the study will be advanced while collecting public opinion.

This Special Issue provides the summary of the new proposal.

Please refer to JPNIC's "New JP Domain Name" Web page for the latest information. http://www.nic.ad.jp/jp/plan/new-jp/index.html (Japanese Only)


Current JP domain name rules place a limit of one domain name per organization, and prohibit JP domain name transfers. This is intended to minimize the number of registrations, so as to reserve domain name space for future users, and prevent domain name disputes or cybersquatting ahead of time (i.e., an abuse of a domain name; in other words, to register and/or use a domain name in bad faith or for abusive purposes, in a way that is the same as, or confusingly similar to, the trademark(s) and other displays of a third party). However, many requests for registration of product names and services as domain names have accrued, as well as requests for domain name transfers, which has led to the need to review the current policy.

The revision of the policy will provide necessary and sufficient domain name space to meet the requirements, and ease the principle of one domain name per one organ and prohibitions on transfer of domain names, by resolving disputes with the leverage of the dispute resolution policy. Two proposals have been made, as specific measures to address the policy change, as follows:

  1. Establishment of a new and unconstrained JP domain name space
  2. Deregulation of the existing domain name spaces

Establishment of a New and Unconstrained Domain Name Space

This proposal is to release the Second Level Domain (SLD) for a new JP domain name space, separate from the existing domain name spaces (.co.jp and others).

For example, a domain name "foo" will be registered as follows.

Current Domain Name New Domain Name
registration as Third Level Domain
registration as Second Level Domain

Thus, two forms of domain names will co-exist: "xxx.co.jp," which can be registered currently, and the new "xxx.jp."

Registration of an domain name in the new JP domain name space will not require that the applicant be a certain type of organization, which is something that has been required for each of the current attributable domain names. Also, one organ or indivdual should be able to register two or more domain names. Moreover, the new JP domain names can be transferred by a simple application.

In principle, registration of the new domain names will remain on a first-come, first-served basis. However, there will be rules to control overconcentration and confusion regarding registration applications at the time of establishment. For detailed information on these rules, please refer to the JPNIC Web page, "New JP Domain Name(*)."

Deregulation of the Existing Domain Name Spaces

For the present, there will be partial deregulation in the existing domain name spaces. This is because modification of rules and changes of JPNIC or ISP systems would take time. However, we believe that strongly requested liberalization of domain name transfer, and simplification of the examination procedure for cancellation of domain name registration, should be accomplished soon.


Discussions have been progressing in a positive direction, with the goal of introducing the new domain name space as soon as possible. The partial deregulation in the existing domain name spaces will come into force on October 19, 2000, to conform to "the revision of registration rules based on the enforcement of JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (public announcement on July 19, 2000; details can be seen at http://www.nic.ad.jp/jp/topics/archive/20000719-01.html)(Japanese Only).

Schedules and other information related to the new JP domain name are provided on the JPNIC Web page, "New JP Domain Name(*)." Please refer to this page for the latest information. Please feel free to send your opinions on the new JP domain name to dotjp-cmt@nic.ad.jp.

(*)"New JP Domain Name" page is on: http://www.nic.ad.jp/jp/plan/new-jp/index.html (Japanese Only)

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