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5. Hot Topics Japanese Page

5-2 Publishing RFC-JP on the Web

As was described in the previous newsletter, the RFC-JP project is currently in the final stages of work before being published on the Web, which is scheduled for mid-November. The eight RFCs for which translations have been completed are as follows:

2050 Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines
2142 Mailbox Names for Common Services, Roles and Functions
2223 Instructions to RFC Authors
2374 IAn IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format
2375 IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments
2671 Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)
2672 Non-Terminal DNS Name Redirection
2673 Binary Labels in the Domain Name System

The next RFCs to be translated have already been determined, and will be published as translations are completed. These RFCs have been selected by project members and others, but we will also considering translating RFCs for which there have been a significant number of requests from the general public. A request page can now be found on the Web site.

In addition to the translations, RFC contents are mirrored at 4:00 am every day, and the index of the full text search engine is updated. With this, one characteristic of the project is that you may do a full text search on the latest RFC version available. And of course, the best feature is that you can read RFCs in Japanese.

Additionally, brief information pertaining to new RFCs is shown on the top page. This is not displayed in Japanese, because it is done automatically by the system. However, it is useful for keeping up with the latest trends.

There are now nearly 3000 RFCs. Someone who is reading an RFC for the first time doesn't even know where to start. For this reason, we have published some articles with supplemental information, in addition to the RFCs themselves, such as What is an RFC?; What is IETF; How to search and read RFCs; and others. Although these will not ready to publish right away on the Web, we are planning to systmatically expand this section.

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