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6. JPNIC Steering Committee Report Japanese Page

The Steering Committee gives activity reports of the Secretariat and Working Groups, deliberates and approves of undertakings planned by Working Groups and discusses various other issues. Meetings are held monthly at the JPNIC Secretariat meeting room. For detailed schedules, please refer to the following URL:

Meeting schedule page:

Anyone may attend a meeting if the topics are open to the public. Persons who wish to do so should contact the JPNIC Secretariat (secretariat@nic.ad.jp).

Here, we would like to introduce selected discussions and resolutions from the 40th through 43th meetings.

The 40th Steering Committee Meeting

The 40th Steering Committee Meeting was held on Thursday, August 10, 2000. In this meeting, The ASO Trustees were reelected. Reports were given regarding the number of JP domain name registrations, INET2000, the launch of the IP Address Working Group, promotion of multilingual domain names, and others. Topics such as the 2000 Business Plan, JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution, revision of rules on JP domain name registration and others, and the General Use JP Domain Name, were placed on the agenda. Disclosure and enforcement of the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution document, and revisions of JP domain name registration rules were approved.

The 41st Steering Committee Meeting

The 41st Steering Committee Meeting was held on Thursday, September 14, 2000. Reports were given on topics such as the number of JP domain name registrations, support of EDU-TALK BOF, a review of the General Use JP Domain Name service conditions, ICANN general members (At Large) and the election, and a dispute resolution agency.

Subjects included abolition of the PI (Provider Independent) Address, revision of Web pages, fund-raising for the ICANN/ccTLD Constituency Secretariat, and payment of to APTLD membership fees, were discussed. All were approved.

The 42nd Steering Committee Meeting

The 42nd Steering Committee Meeting was held on Thursday, October 12, 2000. In this meeting, reports on subjects such as the General Use JP Domain Name, ICANN At Large election, participation in discussion about New TLD Handling Policy, a funding list to international affiliated organizations, an extra general meeting held on November 2 were given.

Improvement of a search method for the WHOIS system was proposed as a matter for deliberation, and suspension of the WHOIS e-mail search service was discussed.

The 43rd Steering Committee Meeting

The 43rd Steering Committee Meeting was held on Thursday, November 9, 2000. In this meeting, reports included the results of the ICANN Trustee election, enforcement of the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, liberalization of JP Domain Name transfer, the current state of application for Internet Week 2000, APNIC EC progress reports, the state of the WHOIS database after specification changes, the General Use JP Domain Name, and the operational test of Japanese character domain names.

Improvement of the WHOIS search interface was proposed as a deliberation matter and approved.

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