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10. English Page Japanese Page

10-1 Contents of JPNIC Newsletter No.18

1. Vision on Publicity Education Working Group of JPNIC
-- Nobuo Sakata, Trustee of Public Relations and Education Working
2. The 10th Generarl Meeting Report
3. Special Issues
  3-1 General-use JP Domain Name
3-2 mDN Japanese Domain Name
4. JPNIC Information
4-1 Partial Changes of WHOIS Search Results
4-2 Revision of the Web site on Domain Name
4-3 Latest Press Releases
5. Hot Topics
5-1 DRP Implementation
5-2 RFC-JP Web Release
5-3 Summer Forum 2000 Report
5-4 Announcement of Internet Week 2000
5-5 Result of At Large Board Member Election
5-6 APNIC General Assembly Report on IP Policy Special Interest Group
5-7 Activity Report of JPNIC Secretariat (8/2000 - 10/2000)
6. JPNIC Steering Committee Report
7. JPNIC Q and A (Added and Modified)
8. List of Membership
9. Reference
9-1 List of E-Mail Addresses
9-2 Mailing Lists
9-3 Suggestions and Complaints to JPNIC: July 2000 to September 2000
10. English Page
10-1 Contents of JPNIC Newsletter Vol.18
10-2 Explanation of Statistical Reports
10-3 Statistical Reports

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