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2. Japan Network Information Center General Meeting Reports Japanese Page

2-1 The 11th General Meeting Report (Extraordinary Meeting)

The 11th General Meeting of the Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) was held in the 4th floor hall of Ohtemachi Sankei Plaza, on Friday, December 22, 2000.

Two items were on the agenda:

  • Establishment of a new company that will be responsible for registration and management of general-use JP domain names.
  • Revision of the JPNIC membership system and membership fee system, and transfer to the new company of registration and management renponsibilities of functional type (organizational type) domain names and geographical type domain names.

Mr. Watanabe, General Manager of General Affairs, began by announcing that there was a quorum, with 280 members (representing 704 votes) present (including the Chairman's proxy), whereupon the meeting was formally declared open. Proceeding to election of the Chairman, Jun Murai was elected to the Chair with the unanimous consent of all regular members present. Next, the nominations of Shoichiro Asano and Toshihiro Tsubo as signers of the Minutes of the Meeting were approved.

The Chair explained that the items on the agenda were the second item (separated into two items for this meeting) on the agenda of the last General Meeting on November 2, 2000, on which a final vote was not taken, and as such brought to another General Meeting according to the Article 19 of the Articles of Association. Explanations of the two items were given; this was followed by a vote on each item to determine approval or disapproval. As appointed by the Chair, Trustee Sano explained the first item using Document 1, and Tokoyama(*) of the Secretariat explained the second item using Document 2.

After the explanations, a vote was taken for each item. The results were as follows:

Item 1: Establishment of a new company that is responsible for registration and management of the general-use JP domain names.

Total number of votes: 755
For: 570 (including 164 proxy votes)
Against: 139 (including 39 proxy votes)
Abstentions: 46 (including 35 proxy votes)
Invalid votes: 50

Item 2: The JPNIC membership system and membership fee system will be revised, and registration and management renponsibilities of functional type (organizational type) domain names and geographical type domain names will be transfered to the new company.

Total number of votes: 753
For: 523 (including 151 proxy votes)
Against: 177 (including 49 proxy votes)
Abstentions: 53 (including 38 proxy votes)
Invalid votes: 18

Based on these results, both Items 1 and 2 were approved.

The following is a list of documents distributed at the Meeting.

The documents can be referenced at:

Document 1: Item 1: Establishment of a new company that will be responsible for registration and management of general-use JP domain names.

Document 2: Item 2: Revision of the JPNIC membership system and membership fee system, and transfer to the new company of registration and management renponsibilities of functional type (organizational type) domain names and geographical type domain names.

Reference Item 1-1: Establishment of a new company that will be responsible for registration and management of general-use JP domain names and tranfer of responsibilities for the existing domain names

Reference Item 1-2: Establishment of a new company that will be responsible for registration and management of generic use JP domain names and tranfer of responsibilities for the existing domain names (OHP version)

Reference Item 2-1: Membership fees and maintenance fees

Reference Item 2-2: Membership fees and maintenance fees (OHP)

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