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2. Japan Network Information Center General Meeting Reports Japanese Page

2-2 Report on the 12th General Meeting (Extraordinary General Meeting) of the Japan Network Information Center

The 12th General Meeting of the Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) was held at Ohgon-no-ma hall, Ikenohata Culture Center, on Monday, February 19, 2001. Two items were on the agenda:

  • Approval of the revised budgets for the year 2000
  • Approval of the drafts of revised bylaws regarding the entrance fee and membership fee, and of revised bylaws regarding the number of resolves.

Mr. Takeuchi, General Manager of General Affairs, began by announcing that there was a quorum, with 228 members (representing 527 votes) present (including the Chairman's proxy), whereupon the meeting was formally declared open. Proceeding to election of the Chairman, Jun Murai was elected to the Chair with the unanimous consent of all regular members present. Next, the nominations of Tomoo Okada and Nobuo Sakata as signers of the Minutes of the Meeting were approved.

As appointed by the Chairman, Toshiya Sato of the Secretariat explained Item 1, using Document 1-2. Because there were no questions, a vote was taken accordingly.The Item was approved by a majority.

Voting results
For: 621
Against: 11
Abstentions: 26
nvalid votes: 5

As appointed by the Chair, Item 2 was presented and explained by Ikuo Kojima of the Secretariat using Documents 2-1 and 2-2. After a question and answer session, a vote was taken and the Item was approved by a majority.

Voting results
For: 611
Against: 33
Abstentions: 42
nvalid votes: 8

The questions and answers that were presented for Item 2 are as follows:

Q: Is there a change as to method of fee payment?
A: From S through C, it is possible to pay in two installments. We request that D should be paid in one sum.
Q: What is the provisional plan for members in non-profit organizations?
A: Members from non-profit organizations should pay a fee of 300,000 yen for two years as a provisional method. From the third year, they would be considered regular members.
Q: Do individual regular members have the right to vote?
A: Individual regular members would have the right to vote only if they were recommended. However, they are exemplified from payment of the fees.
Q: What is a supporting member?
A: A supporting member is someone who has paid membership fees of at least 100,000 yen (or more, in increments of 100,000 yen). They do not have voting rights, but they have the right to speak in General Meetings.
Q: With regards to domain names that have been acquired within the current fiscal year, when should a maintenance fee arise?
A: As for the next year, a maintenance fee will be calculated and invoiced based on the number of domain names that have been approved for connection as of the end of February, 2001.

The following is a list of documents distributed at the General Meeting.

Document 1-1 Approval of revised budgets for the year 2000 (draft)
Document 1-2 Year 2000 income and expenditure revised budgets (draft)
Document 2-1 Bylaws regarding entrance fees and membership fees
Document 2-2 Bylaws regarding the number of rights to vote

After the General Meeting, an explanation of Japan Registry Service Inc. (JPRS) was given by Susumu Sano, Vice President of JPRS. Also, a lecture on multilingual domain names was given by Yoshiro Yonetani of the Secretariat.

Materials used in the lecture can be found at:

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