4 JPNIC Information Japanese Page
4-3 Management of Functional Type (organizational type) and Geographic Type Domain Names by Domain Name Registration Partner
4-3-1 Introduction
At the 11th General Meeting on December 22, 2000, JPNIC decided to revise the membership fee system, and to introduce an annual maintenance fee system for functional type (organizational type)/geographic type JP domain names (hereafter referred to as functional/geographic JP domain names).
Based on the decision, rules for registration of functional type (organizational type)/geographic JP domain names have been revised. The resultant changes regarding the designated Domain Name Registration Partner Address Coordinators are detailed below.
4-3-2 Changes
1. Introduction of Maintenance Fee System
Maintenance and update costs of functional/geographic JP domain names had been covered by the membership fees. However, we have reorganized the system and introduced a "functional/geographic JP domain name maintenance fee." Domain Name Registration Partner will collect these maintenance fees as well as the registration fees, which are the same as before.
In addition, because of the above changes, the connection approval system has been abolished.
2. Deregulation of Qualification for Domain Name Registration Partner
In the existing system, only JPNIC members had been designated as Domain Name Registration Partner address administrators, because of the membership fee. However, as the introduction of the functional/geographic JP domain name maintenance fee system has made such limitations unneccessary, the system was abolished.
3. Relations with Applicants/Registrants
JPNIC has respected the independent decisions regarding services of Domain Name Registration Partner. JPNIC's intentions regarding this have been made clearer by the revisions mentioned above, which explicitly state that Domain Name Registration Partner can independently set conditions and registration/maintenance fees for applications for registration or update of functional/geographic JP domain names and the applicants/registrants.
4-3-3 Contact
JPNIC Secretariat, JP domain name section