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5-4 JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (JP-DRP)
As reported in Newsletter No.18, JPNIC has opened to the public the "JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (hereafter referred as "Resolution Policy") and the "Rules for JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (hereafter referred as "Rules") as of October 19, 2000.
In this issue, we would like to report on the status of dispute resolutions.
5-4-1 Status of Complaints Submissions
Simultaneous with implementation of the Resolution Policy and the Rules on October 19, 2000, Arbitration Center began to accept complaints. As of March 1, 2001, complaints were filed concerning seven domain names, four of which are still undergoing administrative procedure.
Three cases have completed the procedures as of March 1, two of which were cancelled midway by mutual agreement between the concerned parties. With regards to the last case, a decision of transfer was issued. Details are described as follows.
5-4-2 The First Decision of Tranfer
On February 7, 2001, the Industrial Properties Arbitration Center reported to JPNIC that a decision of transfer was issued for the domain name "GOO.CO.JP" (Complaint filing no. 2). This is the first decision issued based on the Resolution Policy and the Rules. The details of this decision were opened to the public on the Arbitration Center's Web site, which can be accessed from the JPNIC Web page indicated below.
Regarding the "GOO.CO.JP" domain name, the registrant initiated a lawsuit because of dissatisfaction with the decision. Implementation of the decision was postponed accordingly.
List of Complaints
5-4-3 Future Schedule
JPNIC will continue to make efforts for a quicker, simpler and inexpensive dispute resolution procedure, in cooperation with the Arbitration Center. It will also try to establish a system of cooperation with the Center to make the initiation of complaints and decisions open to the public on a timely basis.
Please also refer to JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution
http://www.nic.ad.jp/jp/regist/dom/drp/ (Japanese Only)