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Usage of JPNIC database Japanese Page

At present, the following 7 kinds of information are administrated by JPNIC. These information can be retrieved with the help of whois, and the address is whois.nic.ad.jp.

  1. Domain Information [DOM]
    Contains information on: the name of the organization, postal address, the name of the administrative contact/technical contact, DNS information, and the IP address of a particular domain.
  2. Network Information [NET]
    Contains information on: the name of the organization, postal address, the name of the administrative contact/technical contact, and DNS information of a particular assigned IP address.
  3. Personal Information [PERSON]
    Contains information on: the e-mail address, home address, phone number, fax number of the administrative contact/technical contact.
  4. Host Information [HOST]
    Contains information on: the IP address of the DNS server, technical contact, the types of CPU/OS used.
  5. Project Information [PROJ]
    Contains information on: the name of administrative contact/technical contact, NOCs, domain name, IP address of the network organization.
  6. NOC Information [NOC]
    Contains information on: the name of the technical contact of a NOC, the IP networks connected to a NOC.
  7. Community Information [COM]
    Contains the community information necessary for operating networks. (e-mail address, reference, administrative contact)

For further information about the usage of whois service, execute the following command.

% whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp help/e

The following things will be displayed as as soon as the command is executed.

[ JPNIC database provides information on network administration. Its use is   ]
[ restricted to network administration purposes. For further information, use ]
[ 'whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp help'. To suppress Japanese output, add '/e' at   ]
[ the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp xxx/e'.                  ]

                        <JPNIC WHOIS HELP>
                                                        Sep. 1, 1993

1. JPNIC WHOIS database includes the following type of information in Japan:

        TYPE            Descritopn
        DOM             Domain Information (domain names)
        NET             Network Information (network numbers)
        HOST            Host Information (name servers)
        PERSON          Personal Information (contacts)
        PROJ            Project Infomation (network projects)
        NOC             NOC Information (network operation centers)
        COM             Community Information (mailling lists)

2. How to get the information:

        STRING          Broad search all over the types
        !STRING                 Key search all over the types

To restrict the search to a certain type of information:

        TYPE STRING     TYPE is one of DOM, NET, etc. (see above)

To obtain detail or related information:

        *STRING                 Expand the output even when multiple matches
        %STRING                 Expand the contact fileds or known sub-domains
        ^STRING                 Display what refers to the information

When you don't know exactly:

        STRING...       Partial search starting with STRING
        ...STRING       Partial search ending with STRING

if STRING contains an '@', search only E-Mail fields:

        name@           Find everyone with the name.
        @domain                 Find everyone in the domain.
        name@domain     Find everyone with the name in the domain.

3. Use of the information you get from JPNIC WHOIS is limited to
   ONLY for network operations.

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