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8. Comments and suggestions to JPNIC Japanese Page

JPNIC has set up an e-mail address for comments and suggestions. Not only that, it has also opened a counter for processing complaints.

  goiken@nic.ad.jp        e-mail address for suggestions
  suggestions@nic.ad.jp   e-mail address for suggestions

  kujo@nic.ad.jp          e-mail address for complaints
  complaints@nic.ad.jp    e-mail address for complaints

Comments and suggestions send to the address mentioned above will be discussed during the steering committee meeting and the result will be published in the minutes of the meeting and newsletter. It should be noted, that apart from the sender and e-mail address, the rest of the message would be made public.

These e-mail addresses were set up in 4/1994 and 16 mails were received until November of the same year. The subjects of the mails were as follows.

 1. Suggestions on how to proceed
        the discussions of membership fees problem..............1
 2. Suggestions on Japanese translation of RFC..................1
 3. Suggestions on geographic domain name.......................1
 4. Enquiries from foreign countries about
        the present status of networks inside Japan.............2
 5. Enquiries from foreign countries
        regarding softwares related to Japanese language........3
 6. Enquiry for missing persons.................................2
 7. Others ( test mails, errors, etc.) .........................6

FINANCE Working Group deals with the problem mentioned in 1 and authority has been given to them to cope with the problem.

In 2, there was a suggestion for making the Japanese version of RFC (Request For Comments) publicly available. Although it is of great importance, the Japanese version that JPNIC currently posses is contributed by volunteers and the quantity is very small. As a matter of fact JPNIC does not have the complete Japanese version of RFC. It can be thought, that in order to make the Japanese version public JPNIC could translate the important RFC into Japanese from its own budget, but in reality it is difficult because of the budget limit. If there are Japanese versions of RFC then JPNIC would strongly appreciate if it is contributed to JPNIC.

3. It was a comment for the present pilot project on geographic type domain name. It was pointed out that the domain names are too long, and a suggestion was given on how to get rid of this problem. Geographic type domain names still have a lot of problems including the one pointed out in 3, and in order to solve this problem, JPNIC is thinking in the direction of extending the period of experiment.

4. Apart form the documents that could not be made public because of privacy, all the other information administrated by JPNIC, have been made public through the services like anonymous ftp, whois, www, and gopher. So in case of having questions like 4, please refer to these documents.

5. These were inquiries on how to avail Japanese version of soft-wares like www, gopher etc. and the whereabouts of the programs. JPNIC does not deal with these kind of problems.

6. Please refer to JPNIC whois, monthly updated domain name list or the publicly available documents. If the public documents does not meet the enquiry, then these problems are out of the scope of JPNIC.

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