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6. JPNIC performance Japanese Page

JPNIC assigns IP addresses and domain names, registrates any kinds of data, and provides information. Here shows the JPNIC performance.

6.1 Number of Class C's Assigned(cumulative)

|year/month |    class C      |
|  94/01    |      535        |
|  94/02    |      647        |
|  94/03    |     1201        |
|  94/04    |     1498        |
|  94/05    |     1657        |
|  94/06    |     1907        |
|  94/07    |     2189        |
|  94/08    |     2441        |
|  94/09    |     2550        |
|  94/10    |     2695        |
|  94/11    |     2861        |
|  94/12    |     3065        |
|  95/01    |     3312        |

6.2 Number of Domain Names Assigned par Month

|year/month | Domain Names             |
|           |( )=Geographic Domain Name|
|  94/01    |          58(7)           |
|  94/02    |          60(8)           |
|  94/03    |          71(7)           |
|  94/04    |          58(1)           |
|  94/05    |          59(9)           |
|  94/06    |          97(8)           |
|  94/07    |          72(4)           |
|  94/08    |          98(6)           |
|  94/09    |          84(11)          |
|  94/10    |         127(17)          |
|  94/11    |         109(10)          |
|  94/12    |         115(12)          |
|  95/01    |         118(5)           |

6.3 State of data base management

6.3.1 Management of application

|       1994         |  Jan. |  Feb. |  Mar. |  Apr. |  May  |  Jun. |
|       Total        |  484  |  391  |  552  |  573  |  486  |  742  |
|[Item of management]|       |       |       |       |       |       |
|       Ordinary     |  254  |  194  |  234  |  312  |  256  |  432  |
|       Automatic    |  166  |  142  |  196  |  184  |  165  |  247  |
|       Amendment    |   42  |           38  |   47  |   53  |   48  |   37  |
|       Return       |   22  |   17  |   75  |   24  |   17  |   26  |
|       Total        |  885  |  659  |  824  | 1262  |  897  | 1133  |
|[Item of management]|       |       |       |       |       |       |
|   New registration |  320  |  292  |  357  |  431  |  362  |  471  |
|       Amendment    |  531  |  322  |  399  |  815  |  452  |  555  |
|       Deletion     |   25  |   33  |   61  |    9  |   78  |   85  |
|       Others       |    9  |   12  |    7  |    7  |    5  |   22  |
|                    |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|[Item of forms]     |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|       Domain name  |  320  |  205  |  231  |  442  |  226  |  419  |
|       IP address   |  143  |   98  |  161  |  191  |  167  |  195  |
|       Host         |   46  |   47  |   72  |   81  |   77  |   74  |
|       Personal     |  250  |  234  |  271  |  353  |  336  |  353  |
|       Project      |   46  |   36  |   39  |   62  |   44  |   49  |
|       NOC          |   78  |   37  |   46  |  127  |   44  |   42  |
|       Community    |    2  |    2  |    4  |    6  |    3  |    1  |

|       1994         |  Jul. |  Aug. |  Sep. |  Oct. |  Nov. |  Dec. |
|       Total        |  464  |  792  |  657  |  779  |  760  |  715  |
|[Item of management]|       |       |       |       |       |       |
|       Ordinary     |  236  |  361  |  341  |  388  |  365  |  320  |
|       Automatic    |  165  |  318  |  220  |  274  |  281  |  278  |
|       Amendment    |    4  |   70  |   55  |   74  |   77  |   57  |
|       Return       |   19  |   33  |   41  |   43  |   37  |   60  |
| Automatical return |       |   10  |    8  |    4  |    4  |    2  |
|       Total        |  822  | 1357  | 1283  | 1350  | 1280  | 1193  |
|[Item of management]|       |       |       |       |       |       |
|   New registration |  338  |  673  |  500  |  529  |  547  |  537  |
|       Amendment    |  446  |  606  |  647  |  738  |  653  |  554  |
|       Deletion     |   11  |   63  |  123  |   74  |   73  |   79  |
|       Others       |   27  |   15  |   13  |    9  |    7  |   23  |
|                    |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|[Item of forms]     |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|       Domain name  |  221  |  326  |  414  |  393  |  354  |  315  |
|       IP address   |  182  |  322  |  228  |  208  |  218  |  251  |
|       Host         |   61  |   96  |   95  |   99  |  103  |  108  |
|       Personal     |  220  |  455  |  402  |  439  |  439  |  402  |
|       Project      |   44  |   67  |   65  |   70  |   73  |   51  |
|       NOC          |   89  |   87  |   77  |  140  |   79  |   60  |
|       Community    |    5  |    4  |    2  |    1  |   14  |    6  |

6.3.2 Mail server (Sep.14,1994 - Feb.17,1995)

[1] JPNIC WHOIS access log
| Year/Month | Times | Domestic | Overseas |Number of host|
|   94/01    | 18805 |  13038   |   5110   |    1664      |
|   94/02    | 17798 |  11426   |   5390   |    1938      |
|   94/03    | 21134 |  14195   |   5504   |    2141      |
|   94/04    | 24201 |  17519   |   4208   |    2229      |
|   94/05    | 23928 |  17625   |   4907   |    2405      |
|   94/06    | 26041 |  19799   |   4316   |    2717      |
|   94/07    | 49757 |  41061   |   4147   |    2819      |
|   94/08    | 30632 |  23971   |   4265   |    2771      |
|   94/09    | 40426 |  28576   |   7932   |    3512      |
|   94/10    | 51380 |  31094   |  10089   |    4102      |
|   94/11    | 83879 |  70187   |   7450   |    3795      |
|   94/12    | 61297 |  50618   |   6728   |    3401      |
|   Total    |449278 | 339109   |  70046   |    ----      |

[2] JPNIC mail service access log
| Year/Month |Times(Byte transmitted)| Number of user |
|   94/01    |    4262  (17399286)   |      189       |
|   94/02    |    3979  (27466825)   |      373       |
|   94/03    |    2437  (24594951)   |      378       |
|   94/04    |    2544  (23772214)   |      459       |
|   94/05    |    3450  (35080914)   |      504       |
|   94/06    |    4776  (48604565)   |      528       |
|   94/07    |    3092  (31252812)   |      504       |
|   94/08    |    3077  (34278191)   |      584       |
|   94/09    |    3134  (32607124)   |      562       |
|   94/10    |    3730  (35078066)   |      624       |
|   94/11    |    4045  (37151236)   |      576       |
|   94/12    |    2922  (29686508)   |      493       |
|   Total    |   41448  376972692    |      ---       |

6.4 Information service access log

Recently, the Anonymous FTP is accessed about 30000 times, gopher is accessed about 28000 times and WWW is accessed about 14000 times per month. The statistics of the use of each service is as follows.

6.4.1 Anonymous FTP server (Jan.17,1995 - Feb.18,1995)

                Number Of
      Date      Files Sent
   ---------   -------------
   1995 Jan        31162
   1995 Feb        15949

   Average Files Transmitted Daily : 1096

   Total Transfers from each Archive Section (Top 5)
        Archive Section      Files Sent
   ------------------------- ----------
   /pub/internet/ds.internic      23177
   /pub/internet/ftp.ripe.ne       5691
   /pub/jpnic                      4253
   /pub/jpnic-pub/committee        1530
   /pub/jepg-ip                    1165

6.4.2 gopher server (Dec.3,1994 - Feb.17,1995)

      Date    |  connections
   1994 Dec   |     22992
   1995 Jan   |     29965
   1995 Feb   |     15002

  Well used file (Top 10)
           /ftp/HELP                              1868 (12.68%)
           /ftp/INDEX                             1400 (9.50%)
           /ftp/jpnic/domain-list.txt              522 (3.54%)
           /ftp/bitnet/bitnet-wide-gateway.txt     306 (2.08%)
           /ftp/iij/information.txt                289 (1.96%)
           /ftp/jpnic/domain-list-e.txt            284 (1.93%)
           /ftp/rfc/fyi-index.txt                  200 (1.36%)
           /ftp/infoweb/information.txt            128 (0.87%)
           /ftp/topic/information.txt              123 (0.83%)
           /ftp/psi-japan/information.txt          111 (0.75%)

6.4.3 WWW server (Aug.5,1994 - Feb.18,1995)

      Date   |  Files Transmitted
   1994 Aug  |        5421
   1994 Sep  |        9271
   1994 Oct  |        8828
   1994 Nov  |       12479
   1994 Dec  |       12132
   1995 Jan  |       15521
   1995 Feb  |       10110

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