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Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC (2000)

                                                              Last update:2001.05.10

<< Number of IPv4 assignments by size (for LIR's intrastructure) >>
yyyy/mm| /18  /19  /20  /21  /22  /23  /24  /25  /26  /27  /28  /29  /30  /31  /32
2000/02|   1    2    1    5   12   42   13    2    0    0    0    8    0    0    0
2000/03|   1    4    0    1    0    3   14    8    0    2    0   10    0    0    0
2000/04|   3    2    2    5    5    8   10    3    3    1   12   19    0    0    0
2000/05|   2    0    3    0    3    7    9    3    0    0    0    4    1    0    0
2000/06|   2    2    2    3    6    2  129    1    1    1    1    5    0    0    0
2000/07|   2    1    3    3   10    3   30    1    2    1    1    7    1    0    0
2000/08|   4    1    1    5    7    8   10    4    2    2    6   15    1    0    0
2000/09|   4    3    2    2    6    9   17    1    1    0    4    5    0    0    0
2000/10|   3    2    1    3    9    7   22    0    3    1    3   15    0    0    0
2000/11|   3    2    2    8   10    5   23    1    3    2    2   24    0    0    0
2000/12|   3    3    3    2    4    3   15    0    0    2    7   12    0    0    0

<< Number of IPv4 assignments by size (for endsites) >>
yyyy/mm| /18  /19  /20  /21  /22  /23  /24  /25  /26  /27  /28  /29  /30  /31  /32
2000/02|   0    0    2    4    2    3   11   25   40   87 1220 1274   55    0    0
2000/02|  (0)  (0)  (2)  (4)  (2)  (3) (11)  (0)  (2)  (1)  (3)  (3)  (6)  (0)  (0)
2000/03|   0    2    0    6    8   11   41   67   58   98 1340 1735  145    0    0
2000/03|  (0)  (2)  (0)  (6)  (8) (11) (37)  (2)  (4)  (0)  (4)  (5)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2000/04|   1    0    2    6   14   11   34   46   43   99 1611 1887  114    0    0
2000/04|  (1)  (0)  (2)  (6) (14) (11) (15)  (3)  (1)  (0)  (1)  (1)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2000/05|   1    0    1    3   14   13   30   56   62  108 1415 1745   82    0    1
2000/05|  (1)  (0)  (1)  (3) (14) (11) (14)  (2)  (1)  (1)  (2)  (8)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2000/06|   0    1    0    3   11   10   48   67   58  133 1637 2103  150    0    0
2000/06|  (0)  (1)  (0)  (3) (11)  (9) (13)  (4)  (1)  (0)  (0)  (1)  (4)  (0)  (0)
2000/07|   1    1    1    2   10   14   38   69   51  104 1316 1786  154    0    2
2000/07|  (1)  (1)  (1)  (2) (10)  (8) (13) (10)  (3)  (1)  (7) (11)  (1)  (0)  (0)
2000/08|   1    0    1    6    9   13   48   91   58  148 1261 1602  164    0    0
2000/08|  (1)  (0)  (1)  (6)  (9)  (6) (19)  (5)  (0)  (1)  (6)  (3)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2000/09|   0    0    4    6   11    8   52   55   63  104 1558 1932  151    2   11
2000/09|  (0)  (0)  (4)  (6) (10)  (3)  (8)  (2)  (3)  (2) (15) (10)  (0)  (2) (10)
2000/10|   0    2    1   10   17   15   47   72   71  126 1319 1656  130    0    4
2000/10|  (0)  (2)  (1) (10) (16)  (6) (17)  (5)  (2)  (3) (23)  (3)  (0)  (0)  (4)
2000/11|   0    0    2    0   10   20   34   62   83  105 1067 1359  133    2    5
2000/11|  (0)  (0)  (2)  (0) (10)  (7)  (8)  (2)  (3)  (1) (10)  (4)  (0)  (0)  (1)
2000/12|   0    0    2    4   11   18   56   54   58   96 1173 1542  103    0    2
2000/12|  (0)  (0)  (2)  (4) (11)  (5) (12)  (7)  (3)  (3)  (4) (10)  (0)  (0)  (0)
                         figures in () are assignments with second opinion requests

<< Number of IPv4 host addresses allocated/returned >>
yyyy/mm| allocated | returned | total host
2000/02|   184320 |     4096 |    8466432
2000/03|    58368 |    65536 |    8459264
2000/04|   319488 |     5120 |    8773632
2000/05|    62720 |     6144 |    8830208
2000/06|   322304 |        0 |    9152512
2000/07|   108544 |    36864 |    9519104
2000/08|   256000 |        0 |    9480192
2000/09|   184320 |        0 |    9664512
2000/10|   300032 |     8192 |    9956352
2000/11|   384000 |        0 |   10340352
2000/12|   151552 |    12288 |   10479616

<< Number of IPv4 allocations by size >>
yyyy/mm| /16  /17  /18  /19  /20  /21  /22
2000/02|   1    2    0    3    4    2    8
2000/03|   0    1    0    1    2    2    5
2000/04|   3    1    4    1    2    1    6
2000/05|   0    0    2    1    2    3    7
2000/06|   4    0    2    2    0    3    4
2000/07|   1    0    1    0    4    2    6
2000/08|   3    1    0    1    2    1    8
2000/09|   1    1    2    4    3    1    6
2000/10|   3    2    0    2    2    2    9
2000/11|   3    3    2    2    3    8   11
2000/12|   0    2    1    2    7    6   12

<< Number of IPv4 host addresses allocated from/returned to APNIC >>
yyyy/mm| allocated | returned | total host
2000/02|        0 |        0 |   11534336
2000/03|        0 |        0 |   11534336
2000/04|  1048576 |        0 |   12582912
2000/05|        0 |        0 |   12582912
2000/06|        0 |        0 |   12582912
2000/07|        0 |        0 |   12582912
2000/08|        0 |        0 |   12582912
2000/09|        0 |        0 |   12582912
2000/10|  1048576 |        0 |   13631488
2000/11|        0 |        0 |   13631488
2000/12|        0 |        0 |   13631488

<< Number of IPv4 applications processed >>
        |        |             |        |        | second opinion |  allocation blocks  |       SUB-A
yyyy/mm | assign | renumbering | return | update |    approved    | allocated  returned | registered  deleted
2000/02 |   2583 |     226     |   450  |   224  |       53       |      2        1     |    183         5
2000/03 |   3215 |     339     |   541  |   206  |       70       |      8        1     |    122        11
2000/04 |   3617 |     324     |   539  |   299  |       82       |     18        2     |    239         1
2000/05 |   3226 |     337     |   463  |   363  |       60       |     15        1     |    144         9
2000/06 |   3987 |     389     |   402  |   342  |       72       |     14        0     |    276         5
2000/07 |   3250 |     364     |   627  |   391  |       74       |     14        0     |    141         1
2000/08 |   3085 |     383     |  1372  |   265  |       62       |     14        0     |    252         2
2000/09 |   3608 |     403     |  1035  |   352  |       57       |     16        0     |    132        12
2000/10 |   3177 |     362     |  1061  |   420  |       77       |     19        1     |    169         4
2000/11 |   2664 |     303     |   812  |   217  |       46       |     27        0     |    139         8
2000/12 |   2827 |     346     |   663  |   405  |       58       |     23        2     |    200         4

<< Number of LIRs under JPNIC management >>
  yyyy/mm |   new   |  total
  2001/03 |    3    |   247
  2001/04 |   12    |   259

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