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Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC (2002)

                                                              Last update:2003.08.12

<< Number of IPv4 assignments by size (for LIR's intrastructure) >>
yyyy/mm| /18  /19  /20  /21  /22  /23  /24  /25  /26  /27  /28  /29  /30  /31  /32
2002/01|   4    9    7   10   17    8   13    8    3    1    1    0    3    0    0
2002/02|   5    3    8    4    8   13   18    2    1    2    2    1    0    0    0
2002/03|   5    1    2    8    9   11   30    2    1    4    1    9    0    0    0
2002/04|   5   12    4    4   10   16   26    3    1    2    2    3    0    0    0
2002/05|   0    1    2    6    8   11   29    3    6    4    8   12   10    0    0
2002/06|   4    2    4    7   10   11   34    6    4    3    5    1    4    0    0
2002/07|   1    2    7    7    6   15   33    7    2    1    3    7    0    0    0
2002/08|   4    1    2   14   11   10   25    1    2    1    2   12    0    0    0
2002/09|   2    7    4   12    9    4   26    3    2    3    9    5    1    0    0
2002/10|   2    4    5    9    8   15   18    1    5    1    1    2    1    0    0
2002/11|   1    2    4    3    1    9   25    1    6    2    1    0    1    0    0
2002/12|   6    1    4    2    5    7   25    2    1    2    4    1    3    0    0

<< Number of IPv4 assignments by size (for endsites) >>
yyyy/mm| /18  /19  /20  /21  /22  /23  /24  /25  /26  /27  /28  /29  /30  /31  /32
2002/01|   1    1    0    3    4   18   26   23   34  123  645 1912   84    1    1
2002/01|  (1)  (1)  (0)  (3)  (2)  (7)  (3)  (5)  (1)  (4) (16)  (9)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2002/02|   4    0    3    6   14   19   32   47   48  138  721 2435   52    0    3
2002/02|  (4)  (0)  (3)  (6)  (7)  (6)  (9)  (6)  (3)  (5) (18) (18)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2002/03|   1    2    0    7    3   13   17   40   73  165  935 2881   99    0    1
2002/03|  (1)  (2)  (0)  (7)  (2)  (3)  (4) (11) (13)  (6) (12) (17)  (5)  (0)  (0)
2002/04|   1    0    3    3    6   22   34   27   55  104  834 2981  100    0    9
2002/04|  (1)  (0)  (3)  (3)  (6)  (5) (14)  (6)  (3)  (6)  (4) (12)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2002/05|   0    0    2    5    5   14   27   31   81   99  720 2507   75    1   53
2002/05|  (0)  (0)  (2)  (5)  (5)  (7)  (7)  (3)  (4)  (8) (56) (33)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2002/06|   2    0    5    3   10   12   13   29   50   88  555 2334   98    0    1
2002/06|  (2)  (0)  (5)  (3)  (7)  (4)  (4)  (2)  (2)  (8) (10)  (5)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2002/07|   1    0    2    3   10   10   23   25   57  122  654 2783   54    0    2
2002/07|  (1)  (0)  (2)  (3)  (7)  (4)  (8)  (4)  (3)  (9)  (9)  (8)  (1)  (0)  (0)
2002/08|   1    0    5    3    6   15   30   30   48   94  573 2428   41    0    0
2002/08|  (1)  (0)  (5)  (3)  (5)  (2)  (7)  (5)  (4)  (5) (10)  (9)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2002/09|   2    0    6    5    2   16   19   37   63   77  543 5050   47    0    1
2002/09|  (2)  (0)  (6)  (5)  (1)  (6)  (4)  (3)  (3)  (2) (10)  (9)  (0)  (0)  (0)
2002/10|   2    1    0    2    6   21   26   36   83   97  573 4170   76    0    0
2002/10|  (2)  (1)  (0)  (2)  (5)  (6)  (3)  (4)  (2) (12) (14)  (4)  (1)  (0)  (0)
2002/11|   1    0    1    0    2    5   23   31   49  108  556 5050   54    0    0
2002/11|  (1)  (0)  (1)  (0)  (1)  (1)  (3)  (3)  (6) (10)  (8)  (2)  (1)  (0)  (0)
2002/12|   2    1    2    4    3   13   31   34   75   73  471 3960   59    1    1
2002/12|  (2)  (1)  (2)  (4)  (2)  (2)  (1)  (5)  (2)  (3)  (5)  (6)  (0)  (0)  (0)
                         figures in () are assignments with second opinion requests

<< Number of IPv4 host addresses allocated/returned >>
yyyy/mm| allocated | returned | total host
2002/01|   452608 |    45056 |   13411328
2002/02|   297984 |    38912 |   13670400
2002/03|   324608 |    51200 |   13943808
2002/04|   740352 |        0 |   14684160
2002/05|   294912 |     1024 |   14978048
2002/06|   253952 |     5120 |   15226880
2002/07|   395264 |        0 |   15622144
2002/08|   217088 |        0 |   15839232
2002/09|   575488 |     4096 |   16410624
2002/10|   223232 |        0 |   16633856
2002/11|   163840 |    16384 |   16781312
2002/12|   348160 |     5120 |   17124352

<< Number of IPv4 allocations by size >>
yyyy/mm| /16  /17  /18  /19  /20  /21  /22
2002/01|   5    1    3    2    3    4    6
2002/02|   2    1    2    5    6   10   14
2002/03|   1    5    2    2    7    6    5
2002/04|   9    1    0    5   13    9    5
2002/05|   2    1    0    3   18   11   10
2002/06|   2    1    1    3    8    6    4
2002/07|   1    2    1    3   15   60   38
2002/08|   1    2    1    4    7    3    2
2002/09|   7    0    3    2   10    3    4
2002/10|   2    0    2    4    6    0    2
2002/11|   1    1    0    4    8    0    0
2002/12|   3    2    0    4   13    0    0

<< Number of IPv4 host addresses allocated from/returned to APNIC >>
yyyy/mm| allocated | returned | total host
2002/01|        0 |        0 |   16777216
2002/02|        0 |        0 |   16777216
2002/03|  2097152 |        0 |   18874368
2002/04|   393216 |        0 |   19267584
2002/05|        0 |        0 |   19267584
2002/06|        0 |        0 |   19267584
2002/07|        0 |        0 |   19267584
2002/08|        0 |        0 |   19267584
2002/09|   393216 |        0 |   19660800
2002/10|        0 |        0 |   19660800
2002/11|        0 |        0 |   19660800
2002/12|   131072 |        0 |   19791872

<< Number of IPv4 applications processed >>
        |        |             |        |        | second opinion |  allocation blocks  |       SUB-A
yyyy/mm | assign | renumbering | return | update |    approved    | allocated  returned | registered  deleted
2002/01 |   2229 |      731    |  3013  |   849  |       53       |     23         1    |     84         8
2002/02 |   2680 |      910    |  2175  |   641  |       61       |     31         2    |    168         6
2002/03 |   3224 |     1096    |  2962  |   826  |       72       |     29         9    |    140        14
2002/04 |   3011 |     1256    |  3714  |  1327  |       63       |     26         0    |    412        22
2002/05 |   2718 |     1002    |  2275  |  1102  |      127       |     27         1    |    125        19
2002/06 |   2453 |      842    |  2057  |   750  |       55       |     15         2    |    117         7
2002/07 |   2885 |      957    |  2524  |  1101  |       59       |     20         0    |    111         7
2002/08 |   2527 |      832    |  2480  |   826  |       51       |     16         0    |    240        21
2002/09 |   5058 |      897    |  2231  |   755  |       50       |     15         1    |    325        47
2002/10 |   4202 |      963    |  2801  |   871  |       54       |     11         0    |    342         8
2002/11 |   5212 |      724    |  3065  |   733  |       39       |     10         1    |    328         8
2002/12 |   4181 |      612    |  2550  |   763  |       28       |     15         2    |     69        13

<< Number of LIRs under JPNIC management >>
  yyyy/mm |    new   | resolved |   total
  2002/01 |     7    |     0    |    297
  2002/02 |     4    |     0    |    301
  2002/03 |     4    |     9    |    296
  2002/04 |     4    |     0    |    300
  2002/05 |     9    |     1    |    308
  2002/06 |     5    |     0    |    313
  2002/07 |     7    |     1    |    319
  2002/08 |     2    |     0    |    321
  2002/09 |     1    |     2    |    320
  2002/10 |     4    |     4    |    320
  2002/11 |     2    |     0    |    322
  2002/12 |     7    |     2    |    327

<< ASN assignments >>
          |allocations|             |                          | total no. of
  yyyy/mm |from APNIC | assignments | range of assigned ASN    | ASN assgined
  2002/01 |           |     20      | 17955-17961, 18067-18079 |   367
  2002/02 |           |      7      | 18080-18085, 17674       |   374
  2002/03 |     32    |      8      | 18086-18092, 4712        |   382
  2002/04 |           |     14      | 18093-18098, 18121-18128 |   396
  2002/05 |           |     11      | 18129-18139              |   407
  2002/06 |           |      5      | 18140-18143, 9365        |   412
  2002/07 |     32    |     11      | 18144-18152, 18259-18260 |   423
  2002/08 |           |      3      | 18261-18263              |   426
  2002/09 |           |      1      | 18264                    |   427
  2002/10 |           |      7      | 18265-18271              |   434
  2002/11 |           |      7      | 18272-18278              |   441
  2002/12 |           |      2      | 18279-18280              |   443
cumulative|           |             |
  total   |     448   |     443     |
                                        (*) 18142, 18126, 2513 reallocations

Unassigned ASN (2003/1/6)
18281-18290 (10)

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