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Technical Informations

IRR (Internet Routing Registry)

Internet Routing Registry (IRR) is a database that stores routing information as well as information about route priorities. Routing information shows the path of data packets on the Internet.

JPNIC provides an IRR service(JPIRR) service for IP address management agents and people engaged in the Internet operation and to promote the use of the IRR widely in Japan.


Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system to translate domain names to the IP addresses needed for identifieing computer services and devices worldwide.

JPNIC and related organizations operate the JP domain name DNS servers and the reverse name servers.


ENUM is a mechanism through which users can identify one or more Internet service applications corresponding to telephone numbers in URI format by looking up the DNS. This enables connection from applications designated by the URI, such as VoIP or e-mail.

JPNIC provides JAPAN ENUM Trial aims to assign a part of the E.164 number space of Japan that begins with the country code "81".

VoIP System Interoperability Task Force (Suspended Activity)

To Support a verification of VoIP System's interoperability at homes, enterprises and ISPs, "VoIP System Interoperability Task Force" was established. JPNIC and Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. are taking charge of the task force secretariat.

Internationalized Domain Names

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