Japan Network Information Center December 1, 1999 JPNIC New Year Holiday Operating Hours JPNIC operating hours during the New Year holidays will be as noted below. As we need to perform tests to confirm that the Year 2000 computer problem (*1) will have no effect on our systems, our applications processing system will be placed out of operation during the holiday period. New Year holiday schedule * Customer service: 6:00 PM Tuesday, December 28, 1999 to 10:00 AM Tuesday, January 4, 2000(JST) * Domain name registration and IP address allocation: 3:00 PM Friday, December 31, 1999 to 10:00 AM Tuesday, January 4, 2000 (JST) Systems and services to be unavailable during holiday period * The following systems and services will be unavailable during the holiday period. Note that the processing of inquiries by phone or email (*2) will also be halted at this time. Services to be halted during holiday period * Domain name registration * IP address allocation * Database update * Processing of membership applications and changes in member information Note: * During the period over which the operation of the applications processing system is to be halted, emails will only be received and stored (not processed) on our mail server. The actual processing of applications, notification of the receipt of incoming communications, and replies to inquiries will resume beginning Tuesday, January 4, 2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 See JPNIC Y2K Compliance Statement for further information: http://www.nic.ad.jp/en/info/y2k.html 2 JPNIC email addresses for use in submitting applications or inquiries: http://www.nic.ad.jp/en/info.html#mail