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Press Release

July 31, 2001
Japan Registry Service, Co., Ltd. (JPRS)

       JPRS announces a new service for browsing Japanese JP domain names
    - Japanese JP domain names become accessible through Internet Explorer -

    Japan Registry Service, Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President Koki
Higashida), a company for registering JP domain names, today announced that
it is planning to launch a resolution service which enables users of Internet
Explorer version 5.0 or later (hereafter "IE") to reach web pages having
Japanese JP domain names on August 27. This service uses technology
developed and operated by RealNames Corporation (Redwood City California,
CEO & President Keith Teare). JPRS will provide this browsing service
without fee.

    JPRS and RealNames have begun to cooperate on implementing the service.
With this service, Internet users can access web sites simply by entering a
Japanese JP domain name in the address bar of IE without plug-ins or special 
client software. The underlying technology automatically encodes an input 
Japanese JP domain name to an ASCII compatible string, which is ordinarily 
used as a domain name, and then accesses the web page designated by the 
result string.

    In February 2001, JPRS launched its registration service for 
general-use JP domain names, consisting of ASCII strings and Japanese 
strings, which are short and easily remembered and also a single registrant 
can register as many of them as desired. Considering that nearly 40% of 
registrations were for Japanese domain names, JPRS decided to launch this 
resolution service in order to satisfy the needs of registrants and users. 
This service will drive the use of general-use JP domain name space, which 
is reliable and has very few chances of dispute.

    The encoding algorithm used in resolving international domain names is now
being standardized in IETF. JPRS now uses an algorithm called RACE, which was
proposed in the standardization process. Once such an algorithm has been
standardized, JPRS intends to follow the standardized technology that the
RealNames mechanism as well as various client applications will employ.

    JPRS is now promoting standardization in IETF and preparing the Japanese
domain name environment, and in this context serves as a founding member
of the Japanese Domain Names Association (JDNA). In parallel with the
activities in JDNA, JPRS decided to provide this resolution service to bridge
the gap between the current situation and the full environment for Japanese
JP domain names in the future.

* Specifications and restrictions of the service is being developed.
* JPRS will follow the result of the IETF standardization process, which may
   result in an algorithm other than RACE.
* Details of this service are subject to change.
* Browsing using this service from IE is free of charge.

Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd.
    Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd. (JPRS) was incorporated on December 26,
2000, to administer JP domain name registration and management, and to
operate the domain name system. JPRS carries out registration and
administration of JP domain names in a fair and neutral manner. Its mission
is to contribute to the development of the Internet by increasing the
reliability, usability, stability and fair pricing of JP domain names.

RealNames Corporation
    RealNames Corporation is a global infrastructure provider of Keywords, a
superior Web naming and navigation platform that improves on the existing
Domain Names System. The RealNames Keyword system has been
integrated into Microsoft Internet Explorer browser software and is available
for integration into the OpenwaveTM Mobile Access Gateway, as well as in
leading search and portal sites.

JPRS Contacts:

Corporate Planning Office
  e-mail: press@jprs.jp
     URL: http://jprs.jp/

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