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December 1, 2004

Japanese organizations established the "VoIP System Interoperability Task Force"

- To support the verification of VoIP System's interoperability at home, enterprises and ISPs -


To Support a verification of VoIP System's interoperability at homes, enterprises and ISPs, "VoIP System Interoperability Task Force" (Chairperson: Hiroshi ESAKI, JPNIC / University of Tokyo) is established by following originators. Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) and Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. are taking charge of the task force secretariat.

Asgent, Inc., Cisco Systems K.K., ENUM Trial Japan, FUJITSU LIMITED, FUSION COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, Harmonization of Advanced Telecommunication Systems Conference(HATS Conference), Hideki SUNAHARA(NAIST) , Hitachi, Ltd., Intec Web and Genome Informatics Corporation, IPv6 Promotion Council of Japan, ITOCHU TECHNO-SCIENCE Corporation, IWATSU ELECTRIC CO., LTD., Japan Network Information Center, Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd., JAPAN TELECOM CO.,LTD, KDDI Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Information Network Corporation, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., NEC Corporation, NETMARKS INC, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE EAST CORPORATION, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE WEST CORPORATION, NTT Advanced Technology Corporation, NTT Communications Corporation, NTT Resonant Inc., Oki Electric Industry Co.,Ltd., Osamu NAKAMURA(Keio University), Softbank BB Corp., Softfront, SunTelephone Co., Ltd., Telecommunication Technology Committee(TTC), Toshiba Corporation, VoIP Deployment Consortium, VoIP Forum Japan, WIDE Project, YAMAHA Corporation
*The list of alphabetical order

VoIP (Voice over IP) technologies are becoming popular rapidly in anywhere for example homes, enterprises, and ISP networks, but we can hardly say that VoIP systems are interoperable in a multi-vendor or multi-provider environment, because the vendors and providers tend to develop their products or services on their own way and there is less establishment of interoperability.
For VoIP and its multimedia service to be as popular as current telephone system and become widely used in public or industrial applications, we believe interoperability both between the venders and the providers will be the minimum prerequisite for success.
According to the necessity of the collaboration between various related organizations in worldwide scale --especially in Asia area--, we establish "VoIP System Interoperability Task Force" to be a part of the activities required.

The purposes of the activities by this Task Force can be summarized as the following three.

  1. To achieve interoperability of VoIP systems using SIP in both Multi-vendor and Multi-provider environments.
  2. To prepare the test environment and evaluate interoperability as follows.
    1. Provide the minimum requirement of evaluation and test specifications
    2. Develop the test tool (software) compliant with the evaluation and test specifications.
    3. Hold an interoperability test events.
    4. Provide a test-bed for interoperability verification/evaluation
  3. To cooperate for global alliances and business activities to execute the above-mentioned tasks.


Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) is the National Internet Registry in Japan that provides allocation and registration services of IP addresses and AS numbers. JPNIC also performs activities for the public, such as overseeing administration of the JP domain names in the public interest, and coordinating with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN).
JPNIC contributes to the society by providing Internet-related information as an information hub, and performing research, education and enlightenment activities.
JPNIC is a non-profit, membership-based organization that supports smooth administration of the Internet.
URL: http://www.nic.ad.jp/


"VoIP System Interoperability Task Force" Secretariat
E-mail: voip-tf-info@nic.ad.jp

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