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(JPNIC Secretariat)

The NETWORLD+INTEROP 99 exhibition was held from June 2 to June 4, 1999, and JPNIC operated a booth as part of its public relations activities. The following materials were distributed within the exhibition hall, and JPNIC's booth featured an exhibit consisting of 7 panels and computers introducing JPNIC's web site.

Items distributed:

        Newsletter #13         1,500 copies
        JPNIC pamphlet           500 copies
        Domain name simple guide 150 copies
        INET2000 leaflet around  600 copies

Each year, the JPNIC booth introduces JPNIC's organizational structure and details of its business activities. This year, there were a number of comments and questions regarding domain name and IPv6 address.

Below are the questions we received in our booth, together with our replies. General questions will be added to our FAQ.

Relating to IP Addresses

Q. Can we request IP address assignment directly from JPNIC?
A. Please contact your internet service provider regarding IP address assignment.
*Note: For details please refer to JPNIC QandA (Q.6030).

Q. What is the point of JPNIC administering IP addresses?
A. JPNIC aggregates routing information by distributing IP addresses through JPNIC member providers.

Q. When will IPv6 assignment service start?
A. APNIC plans to start the assignment service on June 1,1999.
*Note: This date has since been delayed.

Q. Will JPNIC provide IPv6 assignment service?
A. At this time, JPNIC does not plan to provide IPv6 assignment service. It is expected to be conducted by APNIC.

Q. What services relating to IPv6 will be provided by JPNIC?
A. We will mainly provide information through translation of policy documents.

Relating to JP Domain Names

Q. Do you expect the total number of registered domains will exceed 100,000 next year?
A. While it is difficult to predict actual number, registrations are indeed likely to increase.

Q. Until when do ED.JP reserved domain names remain valid?
A. They will remain valid until March 31, 2003.

Q. Is it possible for an individual to register a domain name?
A. Individuals may register geographic type domain names. Groups consisting of at least two individuals or corporations may apply for a GR.JP domain name.
*Note: For details please refer to JPNIC QandA (Q.5560).

Q. I've heard that a registration is cancelled if nothing is done for one year following registration; what has to be done in order to ensure that the domain name is 'used'?
A. A domain name must be registered with the domain name server managed by JPNIC in order to be usable. Connection approval by a JPNIC member is necessary in order to register the domain name into the domain name server.
*Note: For details please refer to JPNIC QandA (Q.5120).


Q. Is JPNIC a private company?
A. JPNIC is an incorporated probono association.

Q. How is JPNIC funded?
A. JPNIC is funded mainly by membership and registration fees.

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