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5-3 INET2000 Exhibition Report Japanese Page

The Internet Global Summit INET 2000 was held at Pacifico Yokohama for four days, from July 18 - 21, 2000. JPNIC was a sustaining sponsor of INET 2000, and had a booth as a part of PR activities. Here is the report on the exhibition.

INET 2000 is an international conference sponsored by ISOC (Internet Society), which is held at a different location of the world every year. The program is renowned for its rich contents, which include not only cutting-edge technological issues, but also socio-economic topics such as e-commerce and governance.

As a part of the program, an exhibition was held at the exhibition hall. It was open to the public for two and half days with the following schedule:

July 18 (Tue.) 14:00 - 16:00 VIP/Press Tour
July 19 (Wed.) 10:30 - 18:00 Open to the public
July 20 (Thu.) 10:30 - 18:00 Open to the public
July 21 (Fri.) 9:00 - 13:00 Open to the public

INET exhibitions in previous years have featured booths that were rather plain, with few decorations, in which documents were distributed or simple panel displays exhibited. This year's exhibition, though, looked very showy thanks to the efforts of the participants.

The JPNIC booth featured a panel display that focused on what the organization has been contributing internationally, and what kind of projects it has been conducting. The eight panels illustrated the following themes:

  • What is JPNIC?
  • Transition of the number of registered JP domain names
  • IP Address Related Services of JPNIC
  • International Activities
  • JPNIC's educational project
  • What is a JP domain name?
  • JP domain names will be used more easily
  • Promoting standardization of Multilingual Domain Names

Among the panels, "Promoting standardization of Multilingual Domain Names" attracted numerous questions. JPNIC's "Multilingual Domain Names Evaluation kit (mDNkit), beta version" was just distributed on the Web in mid-July. Secretariat members conducted demonstrations in the booth and had enormous response. Although there was only one demonstration originally scheduled for one day during the event, we hurriedly arranged for a second one on July 20, a national holiday.

Because of the characteristics of the event, most of the visitors were engineers or specialists in this field, giving the exhibition a special atmosphere that was different from other commercial events.

The following materials were distributed:

- JPNIC pamphlet (English): 100 copies
- JPNIC pamphlet (Japanese): 50 copies
- JPNIC newsletter, vol.16 (Japanese): 200 copies
- About mDN (English): 300 copies
- dotJP (English and Japanese printed oneach side): :45 copies.
- Results of International Related Research (English): 45 copies.
- Results of International Related Research (Japanese): 45 copies.
- Japan ICANN Forum: 45 copies.
-Internet Week 2000 Advance Announcement: 45 copies.

Please refer to the special feature, "Multilingual Domain Name(p.14)," for details of the multilingual domain name.

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