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5-1 Implementation of JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (JP-DRP)


As announced in JPNIC Newsletter No.17, after studies by the Dispute Resolution Policy Task Force (DRP-TF), the JPNIC JP Domain Name Working Group (DOM-WG) opened to the public the "JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (hereafter referred as "Resolution Policy") and the "Rules for JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (hereafter referred as "Rules").

The Resolution Policy and Rules were implemented on October 19, 2000. We would like to report on activities and decisions made since then.

Certification of Dispute Resolution Organ

In parallel with working out the Resolution Policy and the Rules, JPNIC held a number of consultations in an attempt to certify dispute resolution organs that would conduct dispute resolutions based on policy and rules.

As a result, on August 22, 2000, JPNIC concluded an agreement between the Industrial Properties Arbitration Center (hereafter reffered as the Arbitration Center), which is co-operated by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) and Japan Patent Attorneys Associations (JPAA), pertaining to the commencement of domain name dispute resolution on October 19, 2000. With this agreement, the Arbitration Center became the first certified dispute resolution organ that will deal with JP domain name dispute resolution.

The Arbitraton Center has selected approximately 30 panelists, consisting primarily of former judges, attorneys, patent attorneys, and people of experience and academic standing. JPNIC confirmed that it will cooperate with the Arbitration Center through such activities as providing training for panelists.

"Lecture Meeting on Domain Name Resolution"

A "Lecture Meeting on Domain Name Resolution," cosponsored by JPNIC and the Arbitration Center, was held Sept. 20 at the Bar Association Lecture Hall, to better disseminate information regarding JP domain name resolution and the upcoming commencement of accepting complaints.

With attendance by approximately 500 people, lectures were given on many topics including "Explanation of domain name," " Domain name disputes," "The JP Domain Name Resolution Policy and Rules," and "Domain name resolution by the Arbitration Center." During Q & A sessions, questions and opinions from various points of view were raised, proving that there is a high degree of interest, and that there were high expectations regarding the resolution policy.

Commencement of Accepting Complaints

Enforcement of the Dispute Resolution Policy and the Rules commenced on October 19. At the same time, the Arbitraton Center began accepting complaints.

A complaint was submitted the very first day of operation. It is currently being processed.

Upcoming Schedule

JPNIC will continue efforts toward faster, simpler and low-cost dispute resolutions in cooperation with the Arbitration Center.

Additionally, we will continue discussions with other potential dispute resolution organs, to set up dispute resolutions by multiple organs in the future.

Please also refer tohttp://www.nic.ad.jp/jp/regist/dom/drp/
regarding JP Domain Name Resolution Policy

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