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2. Domain name registration Japanese Page

In this section, domain name registration is explained. As this procedure may be updated, please get the newest document when you apply for it. Refer to JPNIC FAQ, Q1/A1 in section 14 for the way to get documents.

2.1 Domain name and its registration

The two letter code JP represents Japan and it is arranged by ISO3166. JP is a hierarchical domain name where JP is on the top most level.

In order to contribute to the development of computer networks, JPNIC is registering and maintaining internationally unique JP domain names to the organizations, that posses or administrate computer networks. JPNIC registers domain name up to the third level, and these domain names represent the name of the organizations. Organizations which have a third level domain name, maintain the domain names that are below the 4th level (geographic domain names under pilot project are excluded).

2.2 Domain name application

JPNIC accepts three kinds of requests related to domain name registration, and they are request for a new domain name, and request for change of a domain name, elimination of a domain name. The applications can be send to JPNIC either by e-mail or by postal service. If the applicant does not have access to e-mail, then someone who is having access to e-mail can act as a intermediary. JPNIC checks the application form and informs the applicant whether the domain name is registrable or not within 10 days from the date of the application. Sometimes it becomes necessary to discuss with the applicant about the domain name that is being applied for registration, in those cases JPNIC sends notice to the applicant within 10 days.

In case of a fresh application, new domain name is registered and the same is recorded in JPNIC database. It should be noted, that if the name server is not registered within one year then the registered domain name will become ineffective.

The following six kinds of documents should be checked carefully prior to the application for Domain name registration.

  • JP Domain Name Application
  • New JP Domain Name Application
  • JP Domain Name Change Application
  • JP Domain Name Deletion Application
  • Guide to Organization Domain Name Selection
  • Pilot projects related to JP domain name (geographic domain) registration. (English version is not avilable)

The above documents can be obtained by sending an empty e-mail to info@domain.nic.ad.jp. The same can be done by anonymous ftp from ftp.nic.ad.jp. If both of ftp and e-mail is not accessible, the documents can be availed by sending an envelope(A4) with 270 yen postage stamp.

2.3 Queries

Information regarding domain name registration can be availed via e-mail or postal service. It should be noted that JPNIC does not accept telephone calls regarding domain name registration. In case of sending e-mail, please write down the domain name that is requested for registration or the previously registered domain name, in the subject field as shown below. The mail should be addressed to query@domain.nic.ad.jp.

Subject: Question: XXXXX.YY.JP

In case of using postal service, please write down " Questions regarding domain name registration" on the envelope, enclose a self addressed envelope with adequate postage stamp so that the documents can be send back to the applicant.

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