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4. The 4th JPNIC General Meeting Report Japanese Page

The 4th JPNIC General Meeting report was held at Tokyo Garden palace on May 12th 1995 from 13:15 till 16:50.

First, the General Meeting was confirmed to be organized which was opened with Mr.Jun Murai, President of JPNIC, in the chair and 76 presents (include 30 letters of attorney). Next, it was reported that Mr.Naomasa Maruyama was appointed to be a new Secretary-General at the 5th Board of Trustees taken over Mr.Masaya Nakayama, the previous Secretary-General, and Mr.Maruyama was introduced.

After the confirmation of distributed material as follows, the previous minutes of the proceedings was confirmed. It was approved with some revision of words.

The 4th JPNIC General Meeting proceedings

  Material  1  The 3rd JPNIC General Meeting proceedings (intended)
  Material  2  JPNIC statement of accounts for the 1994 fiscal year
  Material  3  JPNIC activity report for the 1994 fiscal year
  Material  4  Report of FINANCE-WG investigation results (summary)
  Material  5  The practical plan of application charge of
               Domain name and IP address acquisition
  Material  6  A list of JPNIC members for the 1995 fiscal year
  Material  7  A list of JPNIC Committee members for the 1995 fiscal year
  Material  8  The Center's Regulation for election
  Material  9  JPNIC business plan for the 1995 fiscal year (intended)
  Material 10  JPNIC budget for the 1995 fiscal year (intended)
  Material 11  Revision of rule

The statement of accounts for the 1994 year was reported by Mr. Maruyama, Secretary-General. The summary is as follows.

|             Item                        |Amount of   |Amount of   | Fluctuation |
|                                 |     budget |   accounts |             |
|Income                           |            |            |             |
|  sum of this term income        | 26,600,000 | 31,826,483 |   5,226,483 |
|  brought forward                |    628,318 |    628,318 |           0 |
|Sum of income                    | 27,228,318 | 32,454,801 |   5,226,483 |
|                                 |            |            |             |
|Expenses                         |            |            |             |
|  expense of meeting             |  1,070,000 |    614,394 |    ^455,606 |
|  expense of business trip       |  4,330,000 |  3,514,925 |    ^815,075 |
|  personnel expenses             | 10,233,000 | 11,468,251 |   1,235,251 |
|  communication expenses         |    497,000 |    457,960 |     ^39,040 |
|  rental expenses                |  3,600,000 |  3,036,234 |    ^563,766 |
|  printing expenses              |  4,000,000 |  2,457,576 |  ^1,542,424 |
|  consumption articles           |    110,000 |    158,497 |      48,497 |
|  activity expenses              |  1,743,000 |  1,773,612 |      30,612 |
|  telephone installed right      |            |     74,160 |      74,160 |
|  reserve fund                   |  1,645,318 |    836,667 |    ^808,651 |
|Sum of this term expenses        | 27,228,318 | 24,392,276 |  ^2,836,042 |
|Settling account of this term    |          0 |  7,434,207 |   7,434,207 |
|Carried forward settling account |          0 |  8,062,525 |   8,062,525 |

The reason for big difference between the budget and the settlement of accounts was explained and it was reported that the settlement of accounts is followed to public corporation accounts.

The activity reports of each working group was explained by Mr.Masaki Hirabaru, JPNIC Chair of the steering committee. After the report of audit by Mr.Koki Higashida, an Auditor, the report of settlement came to the vote and it was approved, approval 75 and denial 0, blank ballot 2.

The results of membership fees system investigation was reported by Mr.Susumu Sano, the chair of FINANCE WG, and there were questions and answers. It was about the charge of registration for domain name from June 1st, 1995 and that will be reconsidered with "JPNIC middle period business plan" and "JPNIC incorporating investigation" after the 1996 fiscal year. Please see 2nd paragraph for more detail. It was questioned and answered concretely about the practice.

It was reported by Mr.Maruyama, a Secretary-General, about JPNIC members that there are 43 members and 85 JPNIC committee members altogether as of April 28, 1995. The Trustees and Auditors were elected. Please see 7.1 paragraph for elected members.

After a break, the 6th Board of Trustees Meeting was opened. After the meeting, the General Meeting was reopened and it was informed as a Board of Trustees' report that Mr.Murai was decided as President of JPNIC and Mr.Shin Yoshimura as Vice President of JPNIC, Mr.Maruyama as Secretary-General again. The new committee members were appointed (see 7.1 paragraph) and the intention was reported to committee member , that two person, one who has relation to local network and the other who represents for local government, will be elected. It will wait for a recommendation of steering committee.

It was reported by Mr.Maruyama, a Secretary-General, about the business plan and budget for the 1995 fiscal year. The big difference of business plan added to that for the 1994 fiscal year is practicing the system of charge for registration and move of office. The summary of the budget is as follows. The big difference between the budget for the 1994 fiscal year is the income of charge, and expense of secretariat members employment and move of the office.

   Item                         Amount          Note
membership fees                 52,700,000      include 5 millions yen for 5
                                        midterm admission  (calculate)
charge                  32,400,000      charge 20,000 yen each

carried forward                  8,062,525
        total           93,162,525

                Item                               Amount

1.business expenses and administrative expenses

        (1)expenses of meeting                   1,200,000
        (2)transportation expenses of trip       5,000,000
        (3)pay                                  30,500,000
        (4)legal welfare expenses                3,500,000
        (5)expense of welfare and public welfare   300,000
        (6)office rent                           6,000,000
        (7)carriage                                200,000
        (8)APNIC contribution                    2,000,000
        (9)expense of publicity activities       6,500,000
        (10)machinery maintenance expenses      10,000,000
        (11)communication expenses               3,000,000
        (12)water and heating , lighting expenses  600,000
        (13)expense of consumption articles      3,000,000
        (14)charge of payment                    1,500,000
        (15)trademark registration expenses        100,000
        (16)books expenses                         300,000
        (17)staff training expenses                300,000
        (18)expense account                        500,000
        (19)sundry expenses                        400,000

        Total of business expenses
        and administrative expenses             74,900,000

2.Fixed assets acquisition expenses

        (1)office security expenses             12,000,000
        (2)telephone installed right expenses      230,000

        Total of fixed assets
        acquisition expenses                    12,230,000

3.Reserve fund                                   6,032,525

Total                                           93,162,525

After deliberation, the budget including charge system based on the business plan for the 1995 fiscal year was elected, and it was approved, approval 73 and denial 1, blank ballot 4.

Next, it was approved that the income system after the 1996 fiscal year will discuss to be able to be decided at General Meeting by the end of October, 1995.

At last, revisions of regulations as follows was reported by Mr.Maruyama, a Secretary-General, and elected to approve, approval 77 and denial 0, blank ballot 1. Please see the 9th paragraph for the revised regulation. You can also get it by ftp.nic.ad.jp:pub/jpnic-pub/jpnic-rule.txt.

                     The summary of revision
        "The regulation of Japan Network Information Center"

        (1)Introduction of charge system
        (2)There are no regulation for revised budget during the said
           year. For example, midterm admission.
        (3)Adapting the procedures of budget to the actual situation.

        For (1), delete article 52 and establish article 52.2, 52.3.
        For (2), establish article 56.2.
        For (3), rewrite article 42 and delete article 53, establish 53.2.

                          Outline of revision
            "Regulation of Japan Network Information Center"

         Present                     |          Revision plan
Article 42                           |Article 42
The Steering Committee Meeting must  |The Steering Committee Meeting must
discuss the following matters and    |discuss the following matters and
obtain approval from the Board of    |obtain approval from the Board of
Trustees and from the General        |Trustees and from the General
Meeting.                             |Meeting.
1.Draft of revision and repeal of    |1.Draft of revision and repeal of
  this Regulation.                   |  this Regulation.
2.Draft of budget and final accounts.|2.Delete
                                     |3.Discussion about draft of budget
                                     |Article 52        Delete
                                     |Article 52.2
                                     |Expenses required for the Center's
                                     |activities shall be defraied from
                                     |membership fee and charge, contribution.
                                     |Article 52.3
Article 52                           |
                                     |The charge shall be stipulated on
Expenses required for the Center's   |separate Center's regulation about
activities shall be defraied from    |charge.
the membership fee.                  |
Article 53                           |Article 53        Delete
The Secretary-General must draw up   |
the budget before the start of each  |
fiscal year and submit it to the     |
Steering Committee Meeting. Further, |
the Steering Committee must prepare  |
the budget and obtain its approval   |
at the Board of Trustees Meeting and |
at the General Meeting.              |
                                     |Article 53.2
                                     |The Secretary-General must draw up
                                     |the budget before the start of each
                                     |fiscal year. After the discussion
                                     |between Steering committee, it
                                     |must obtain its approval
                                     |at the Board of Trustees Meeting and
                                     |at the General Meeting.
                                     |Article 56.2
                                     |When the President considers to have
                                     |required that the decided budget should
                                     |be revised after the first 6 months
                                     |of each fiscal year,
                                     |the Secretary-General must draw up
                                     |the budget within 10% of decided
                                     |budget and it must obtain its approval
                                     |at the Board of Trustees Meeting.
                                     |In this case, there are no need to
                                     |obtain its approval at the Board of
                                     |Trustees Meeting and at the General
                                     |Meeting. However, When it exceeds
                                     |the limits which stipulated on
                                     |this regulation, it must obtain
                                     |its approval at the Board of Trustees
                                     |Meeting and at the General Meeting.
                                     |Supplementary Provisions 3
                                     |1.The Regulations come into effect as
                                     |  of May 12, 1995.

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