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JPNIC's contributions to the Internet community can be made, with the support of JPNIC members.

○This document is invalid due to expiration.
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|  Japan Network Information Center                                           |
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     IP Address Allocation/Return Request Process (For JPNIC Members)

      Japan Network Information Center
        Superceded on: 22 October 1999
        Valid till   : 31 December 2000

*Outline of this document*

This document is valid from 29 January 2000.

This document explains the form used for the request process for IP
address allocation by JPNIC members and the IP address allocation
block return request process. When filling in the form used to request
IP address allocation for JPNIC members, read this note thoroughly to
avoid mistakes:

  "IP Address Allocation/Return Request Form (For JPNIC Members)"

Refer to the following documents for practical assignment work:

  "IP Address Assignment Report Process (For JPNIC Member's Network)"

  "IP Address Assignment Report Process (For User's Network)"

Please note that the name of each item in a form is described in
Japanese and there is no request form in English.

* Contents *
  1. IP address allocation
  2. Conditions for allocation
  3. Address space to be allocated
    3.1 In cases where new address space is allocated
    3.2 In the case of adding address space
  4. Range and contents of allocation
  5. Termination of allocation
  6. Handling of address space after termination of allocation
  7. Expenses
  8. Allocation request procedure
    8.1 Checking allocation conditions
    8.2 Request for allocation
  9. Return of allocation address space
  10. Qualifications for making an IP address allocation/return request
  11. Information disclosure
  12. Inquiries

1. IP address allocation

JPNIC allocates address space to JPNIC members.

JPNIC members are required by JPNIC to redistribute the space
allocated to their own organization and allocate the space to users.

JPNIC allocates address space to JPNIC members rather than to users
directly for the following reasons:

    - To encourage the aggregation of routing information
    - To delay the shortage of current 32-bit IP address space
    - To facilitate the work of both JPNIC members and JPNIC

The address space allocation standard of JPNIC is regulated in the
following document together with the address space assignment

  "Policies for Address Space Management in JPNIC"

"Policies for Address Space Management in JPNIC" are determined based
on the content described in RFC2050 and space management policy
currently used by other registries including APNIC, which is the
upper-level registry of JPNIC.

The policies described here are those that are considered appropriate
by the current Internet community, and so may change in the future
with trends or circumstances.


  "Policies for Address Space Management in the Asia-Pacific Region"

2. Conditions for allocation

In order to receive an allocation of IP address from JPNIC, you must
comply with the following conditions a) and b):

    a) You must be a JPNIC member.

    b) You must be able to perform the administrative and technical
       work related to IP address allocation specified by JPNIC.

Furthermore, in addition to complying with a) and b) above, you must
comply with one of the following conditions c) or d):

    c) The member making the request must have a direct connection to
       the major exchange point. In this document, major exchange
       points are defined as neutral exchange points to which more
       than 4 independent providers are connected and which form a
       connection with layer 2 of OSI7-layer reference models.

    d) The member making the request has multiple connections to the
       global Internet at the same time and does not use one of these
       connections as the main connection (so-called multi-homed

If you receive an additional allocation of IP address space after
receiving an allocation of IP address, you must comply with the
following conditions e) and f): too.

    e) The assignment ratio for all allocated address space is over
       Assignment here means that the information has been registered
       in the JPNIC database.

                              Assigned address space
        Assignment rate = ------------------------------  X 100
                           All address spaces allocated

    f) Assignment in the past should comply with the assignment
       JPNIC inspects the assignment state for the infrastructure
       network of the member when processing an allocation
       request. However, if JPNIC has questions following inspection
       of assignment state in the past, JPNIC may make inquiries to
       the JPNIC member.

If you meet the above conditions, you may submit an allocation request

The allocation process also includes collecting fees. Therefore, you
must comply with the following conditions:

g) To receive an allocation,
q. [経理連絡窓口]
K.[経理担当者] in member information
must be registered.

If they are not registered, address space will not be allocated.

3. Address space to be allocated

JPNIC allocates an adequate size of classless address space to

  3.1 In cases where new address space is allocated

The size of the first allocation of address space will be /22.

JPNIC temporarily secures address space of /19 including the address
space allocated to a member receiving an initial allocation, for the
sake of aggregation of routing information.

You may not assign space which is not allocated within the secured
space, however, it is possible to advertise the whole /19 space as
routing information while this /19 space is secured.

  3.2 In the case of adding address space

The size of the address space that is allocated additionally shall be
justified by JPNIC based on the contents of the Request Form and
request/allocation results in the past, and should be large enough to
ensure that new address space will not be necessary within the
following 3 months.

4. Range and contents of allocation

Address space allocated to members shall be used to assign the address
allocated by JPNIC. Therefore, note the following:

    a) JPNIC members may not delegate other persons to carry out
       address assignment work. This means that members who receive an
       allocation bear final responsibility for assignment of the
       whole space allocated.

    b) When assigning the allocated address space, you must do so
       based on the address assignment rules specified by JPNIC so
       that address is used efficiently and routing information is

    c) Registration of the JPNIC database is a part of the address
       assignment process.

    d) When assigning an address space smaller than /24, it is
       necessary to set/control/administer the name server for reverse

    e) The contents of assignment work for IP address allocated by
       JPNIC may change occasionally according to changes in
       international assignment standards, etc.

    f) Address are assigned to the network connected to the JPNIC member.

    g) When there is another JPNIC member B between JPNIC member A and
       the person who receives the assignment, member B shall assign
       the address.

    h) Address should be assigned to a network that has multiple
       external connections after thorough deliberation between the
       relevant network and JPNIC members who may perform assignment
       work, for the sake of aggregation of routing information.

5. Termination of allocation

In the following cases, JPNIC may terminate allocation.

    a) When the JPNIC member applies to return the allocated address space

    b) When the conditions shown in [2. Conditions for allocation] are
       not complied with

    c) Other cases considered appropriate by JPNIC

6. Handling of address space after termination of allocation

Address space shall be returned to JPNIC after termination of
allocation, in principle.

Address may not be assigned for any reason after termination of
allocation. The handling of address that is assigned in the address
space shall be left to JPNIC.

7. Expenses

Processes related to allocation itself including allocation and
requests for new address space are not charged for at present.

However, you must be a JPNIC member to receive an assignment, and so
some expenses are incurred. This fee collection process is also
included in the assignment. JPNIC issues a claim form to JPNIC members
every 2 months based on the status of address assignment. Refer to the
following documents for details:

  "JPNIC delegation"

8. Allocation request procedure

  8.1 Checking allocation conditions

Check that you comply with all the necessary conditions for receiving
an allocation as shown in "2. Conditions for allocation".

  8.2 Request for allocation

Fill in the necessary items in the IP Address Allocation Request Form
and send it to the following address by E-mail:


JPNIC will check that the form:
  ・contains no missing descriptions, and
  ・has sufficient and correct information on IP address usage of the
    JPNIC member's infrastructure.

If any deficiency or unclear points are found, JPNIC will contact the
JPNIC member immediately.

After JPNIC completes any necessary inquiries and judges that the
above two points are complied with, the request is formally accepted
and the applicant is notified. Then, when it has been confirmed that
the JPNIC member has judged the size of the IP address assignment
properly, the evaluation result is reported to the JPNIC member

If there is a delay in the start of evaluation due to some problem
with the request form, the notice of allocation will also be delayed,
so check the request form thoroughly before sending it. Also, the
request should be submitted in good time, allowing time for the
evaluation. In some cases, the assignment work may be delayed
temporarily due to unavoidable reasons such as delays in block
assignment from APNIC to JPNIC. In such cases, JPNIC will inform the
member who requested assignment of the situation.

When the evaluation is approved and the space to be allocated has been
decided, the address space and new assignment window size of the
member is notified to the applicant by E-mail.

9. Return of allocation address space

When you return all or part of address space allocated to JPNIC, you
must fill in the necessary items in the IP Address Allocation Block
Return Request Form and send it to the following address by E-mail:


Handling of the assigned address within the returned address space
shall be at the discretion of JPNIC.

10. Qualifications for making an IP address allocation/return request

IP address allocation/return requests are accepted only when sent from
the E-mail address registered in [DB 登録] member information of the
member receiving the allocation or making a return, except in cases
where a retired JPNIC member is returning an address.

When a retired JPNIC member wishes to return an address, such a member
must inquire at the address mentioned in "12. Inquiry".

11. Information disclosure

JPNIC discloses IP address information, which is shared information,
in principle.  Assigned address blocks are registered in the member

Information to be disclosed consists of member information. The APNIC
database is also disclosed.

12. Inquiry

Should any questions or doubts arise during the assignment process,
please contact JPNIC rather than depending on your own judgement.

Address inquiries to:


End of document

*Related documents*

"IP Address allocation/Return Request Form (For JPNIC Members)"

"IP Address Assignment Report Process (For JPNIC Member's Network)"

"IP Address Assignment Report Process (For User's Network)"

"Policies for Address Space Management in JPNIC"


"Policies for Address Space Management in the Asia-Pacific Region"

"JPNIC delegation"






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