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JPNIC's contributions to the Internet community can be made, with the support of JPNIC members.

○This document is invalid due to expiration.
Please note that this document merely serves as a reference to the
original document in Japanese, and all statements in the document will
take no real effect, including the that on the copyright.

It should also be noted that parts of the documents indicated in
Japanese characters may not be legible under the non-Japanese

|  Copyright notice for JPNIC open documents                                  |
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|  Japan Network Information Center                                           |
|  Fuundo Bldg. 1F, 1-2 Kanda-Ogawamachi,                                     |
|  Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052, Japan                                          |

      IP Address Renumbering Application Process (for User's Network)

        Japan Network Information Center
        Superceded on:  October 22, 1999
        Valid till   : December 31, 2000

* About this Document *

This document is valid from January 29, 2000.

This document describes the procedure followed by JPNIC members
delegated to provide IP address assignment service (hereafter referred
to as "JPNIC Members") to simultaneously return IP addresses assigned
in the past and obtain new assignments when connections of users'
networks have been changed or more addresses become necessary.

Before filling out the IP Address Renumbering Application Form,
carefully read the following document to avoid making mistakes.

"IP Address Renumbering Application Form (for User's Network)"

Please note that the name of each item in a form is described in
Japanese and there is no request form in English.

* Content *

1.  IP Address Renumbering
2.  Application Contact
3.  Handling of the Application
4.  Application Process
4.1 Check the address to be returned.
4.2 Check assignment information.
4.3 Assign IP address.
4.4 Apply to JPNIC for renumbering.
4.5 Check information registered in the JPNIC database.
4.6 Pay the fee
5. Time to Renumbering
6. Applicant Qualification
7. Inquiry

1.  IP Address Renumbering

Since IP address is the limited and shared resource of the Internet,
address returned by means of renumbering application are re-assigned
to make effective use of the resource.  JPNIC Members are asked to
cooperate with address renumbering.

The address return procedure described in this document is for IP
address assigned by JPNIC, JNIC and the Network Address Adjustment

The applicant may return address not only contained in its own
allocated space but also assigned by JPNIC or other JPNIC Members.
When address assigned by another JPNIC Member is included in the
returned address, JPNIC will send mail to this Member's [Technical
Contact] registered in the membership information.  Finding any
problem with the mailed information, the concerned JPNIC Member shall
contact JPNIC within five working days of the receipt of the mail.

When there is address assigned by another JPNIC Member, necessary
arrangements shall be made between the parties concerned prior to the
submission of a renumbering application.

2.  Application Contact

Fill out the IP Address Renumbering Application Form (for User's
Network) to apply for IP address renumbering.  Send in the Application
Form by e-mail or "snail" mail.  JPNIC does not accept FAX
applications.  E-mail the form as much as possible.

JPNIC has to input mailed applications into computer, so their
processing takes a few more days than that of e-mailed applications.

E-mail the application form as much as possible.

    E-mail    apply@ip.nic.ad.jp

    Post        Japan Network Information Center
                Fuundo Bldg. 1F, 1-2 Kanda-Ogawamachi,
                Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0052, Japan

※If sending by post, write [IP Address Return Application Form
  enclosed] on the envelope in red ink, enclose a stamped addressed
  envelope, and send it to the address given above. The stamped addressed
  envelope is used to send back the notice.

* In case of snail mail, mark "IP Address Renumbering Application Form
Enclosed" in red on the envelope. Enclose a return envelope with the
applicant's address written and postage stamps placed.  Mail the form
to the address shown above.

JPNIC will use the return envelope for sending the notification.

3. Handling of the application

A period from the acceptance of the application to the return date
noted in the application is considered as the transition/hold period.
When the return date comes, JPNIC will delete information about the
returned addresses from the JPNIC database and cancels the

Be careful that JPNIC will not accept application forms with missing
or inappropriate entries.

When false description or any other falsehood is found in the
application, JPNIC will consider it invalid.

4. Application Process

The following describes the renumbering application process to be followed by
JPNIC Members.

1) Check the address to be returned.
- Check information on the IP address to be returned.
- When renumbering addresses assigned by another JPNIC Member, make necessary
  arrangements with the Member that assigned the address.
2) Check the application.
- Carefully examines each entry of the application form.  Check if JPNIC
  evaluation has been requested.
3) Assign IP address.
- Assign IP address (space) in accordance with the assignment standard.
4) Apply to JPNIC for renumbering.
- Apply to JPNIC for renumbering and register information in the database.
5) Check information registered in the JPNIC database.
6) Pay the fee.

The following describes the process step by step...

4.1 Check the address to be returned.

Check if the IP address returned by users is valid, referring to [4.5
Check information registered in the JPNIC database].

When returning address assigned by another JPNIC Member for
renumbering, make necessary arrangements with this Member.  4.2 Check
the application.

Carefully check if the size of address space requested in the
application is within the valid range, according to the criteria
described in the document shown below.  Although it is difficult make
sure that each application contains no falsehood, try to detect it as
much as possible.

  "IP Address Assignment Report Process (for User's Network)"

Also judge if JPNIC will have to evaluate the size of the requested
space.  JPNIC evaluation is necessary when the requested space is
larger than the assignment window size.

For details about the assignment window and JPNIC evaluation
application, refer to:

       "JPNIC Evaluating Procedure for IP Address Assignment"

When JPNIC evaluation is not necessary, assign IP address according to
[4.3 Assign IP address].

4.3 Assign IP Addresses.

Carefully examine all application entries again.  Determine the size
of the space to be allocated in accordance with the criteria described
in the document below, and then assign address from the space
delegated to the Member.

  "IP Address Assignment Report Process (for User's Network)"

4.4 Apply to JPNIC for renumbering.

When notifying users' networks of renumbered IP addresses, JPNIC
Members must always apply to JPNIC for renumbering.

When advertising the IP address renumbered for JPNIC Member's own
network, also apply to JPNIC for renumbering without fail.

The renumbering process is considered "complete" when the JPNIC
database is changed to reflect address returns and new assignments.
If JPNIC finds trouble with the assignment of IP address upon
receiving the renumbering application, JPNIC may stop the renumbering
of the IP address.

JPNIC will disclose a part of renumbering application information.

Use the following form to apply to JPNIC for renumbering:

  "IP Address Renumbering Application Form (for User's Network)"

When the application is made on the basis of evaluation results, be
sure to note the evaluation No. on the application form.

JPNIC accepts only the renumbering applications that are sent from
mail addresses previously registered in [DB registration] of the
membership information of JPNIC Members.

JPNIC Member's task completes upon receipt of an e-mail message from
apply@ip.nic.ad.jp notifying the acceptance of the application form
and the completion of database registration.  When the application is
incomplete, JPNIC will send a message from apply@ip.nic.ad.jp to
notify inadequacies.  Make necessary modifications until the
application is accepted.

4.5 Check information registered in the JPNIC database.

Check information registered in the JPNIC database by the following methods:

Use the whois function.
  Whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (IP network address)
Retrieve information at the following URL of the JPNIC Home Page.

4.6 Pay the fee.

JPNIC will send bills to accounting contacts registered in the
membership information every other month.

In principle, JPNIC charges for assignments that require address space

For details about assignments and fees, refer to:

  "IP Address Request Fee"

5. Time to Renumbering

Returned address is actually deleted from the JPNIC database at the
end of the third month counted from the day on which the application
was accepted, unless otherwise specified.

To expedite the return process to less than 3 months, write down the
desired date of return in the [Return Date] column of the application

6.  Applicant Qualification

Only the registered person in charge of JPNIC Member's DB registration
is allowed to apply for address renumbering.

No other persons are allowed to make renumbering applications.

7.  Inquiry

If IP address registered by renumbering application is found
incorrect, e-mail to query@ip.nic.ad.jp within five business days of
the completion of the renumbering application.  JPNIC will invalidate
the report of the IP address even after they are registered in the

JPNIC will charge for report cancellation when five business days or
more have passed since the completion of database registration.

E-mail to the following address to inquire about the application process:

* References *

"IP Address Renumbering Application Form (for User's Network)"
"IP Address Assignment Report Process (for User's Network)"
"JPNIC Evaluating Procedure for IP Address Assignment"
"IP Address Request Fee"






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