


WHOIS 検索 サイト内検索 WHOISとは? JPNIC WHOIS Gateway
WHOIS検索 サイト内検索

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             IP Address Return Application Form

                Japan Network Information Center
    Superceded on: 22 October 1999
    Valid till   : 31 December 2000

*Outline of this document*

This document is valid from 29 January 2000.

This document explains how to fill in the IP Address Return Application Form.

Please refer to the following documents for the flow of processes and
request method for IP address return applications.

  "IP Address Return Application Process"

Please note that the neme of each item in a form is described in
Japanese and there is no request form in English.


  1. Flow of application process
  2. Application contact
  3. IP Address Return Application Form
    3.1 Notes on filling-in
    3.2 Explanation of each item
    3.3 Example

1. Flow of application process

The flow of the IP address return application process is described in
detail in the following document.

Please read the following document before making an application:

  "IP Address Return Application Process"

2. Application contact

To return assigned IP addresses, please contact the following.

    E-mail    apply@ip.nic.ad.jp

    Post        Japan Network Information Center
                Fuundo Bldg. 1F, 1-2 Kanda-Ogawamachi,
                Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0052, Japan

※If sending by post, write "IP Address Return Application Form
  enclosed" on the envelope in red ink, enclose a stamped addressed
  envelope, and send it to the address given above. The stamped addressed
  envelope is used to send back the notice.

3. IP Address Return Application Form

Network Information: [ネットワーク情報]
a. [IP ネットワークアドレス]
b. [ネットワーク名]
f. [組織名]
F. [会員略称]

  3.1 Notes on filling-in

Refer to the following document for limitations on character strings,
etc. that can be used in the JPNIC database:

  "JPNIC Registration Form Filling-in Method"

Two fixed lines should be included at the head of this form in order
to identify the version and type of form.

Note that the two lines at the head of the IP Address Return
Application Form should be as shown below.

Network Information: [ネットワーク情報]

The first line shows the version of the IP Address Return Application Form.
Be sure to write this as shown at the head of the form.

The second line shows the type of form. Write this as shown as the
second line of the form.

  3.2 Explanation of each item

This section explains the items to be filled in on the IP Address
Return Application form.

a. [IP ネットワークアドレス] *Mandatory*

Fill in the IP Network Address to be returned.

       Multiples addresses may be entered.

b. [ネットワーク名] *Mandatory*

Write the network name currently registered in the JPNIC database as is.

f. [組織名] *Mandatory*

Write the organization name currently registered in the JPNIC database as is.

F. [会員略称]

If the organization that actually assigned the IP Network address to
be returned is a JPNIC member, write the same string as the membership
code in the member information. Otherwise, leave the column blank.

This item can be omitted only when there is no membership code.


Assignment information is deleted from the JPNIC database on the date
of return.

The same information is deleted at the end of the month after 3 months has
elapsed counting from the application date for return when no date of return
is specified.  In this case, the application date for return is the date when
JPNIC receives the application.

If you wish to delete information from the JPNIC database within 3
months, specify the date of return, in the form at "yyyy/mm/dd".  For
example, the date August 1 1999 should be written as 1999/08/01.

This item can be omitted.

  3.3 Example

The following is an example of how to fill in the IP Address Return
Application Form.

Network Information: [ネットワーク情報]
a. [IP ネットワークアドレス]
b. [ネットワーク名] ABC-NET
f. [組織名] Science Council Net Conference
F. [会員略称] ABC-NET

End of document

*Related documents*

"IP Address Return Application Process"
"JPNIC Registration Form filling-in method"






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