


WHOIS 検索 サイト内検索 WHOISとは? JPNIC WHOIS Gateway
WHOIS検索 サイト内検索

JPNIC's contributions to the Internet community can be made, with the support of JPNIC members.  

○This document is invalid due to expiration.
                       JPNIC Translated Document

Source document: jpnic/domain-name-all.txt
Date of the source: November 26, 1993
Date of the last update of this translation: February 14, 1996

This is a translation of a JPNIC document. JPNIC provides this
translation for convenience of those who can not read Japanese. But it
may contain mis-tranlations, and is by no means official. One should
consult the source document written in Japanese for detail.
                   JP Domain Name Application

                Japan Network Information Center
                  Domain Name Registration Group

[ The copyright of this document is held by Japan Network        ]
[ Information Center.  The document may be freely reproduced and ]
[ distributed provided it is in no way modified.  The latest     ]
[ version of the document can be obtained by E-mail from         ]
[ info@domain.nic.ad.jp.                                         ]

1.JP domain name and its registration

 JP is the two-letter code specified by ISO3166 to represent Japan.
A JP domain name is a hierarchical domain name with "JP" at the
top level.

 Japan Network Information Center (hereinafter referred to as JPNIC),
aiming to help develop computer networking, register to organizations
<ORGANIZATION domain names> (to be defined in the next section) which
form JP domain names which are internationally guaranteed for
uniqueness and provide administration of such domain names through
coordination with the Internet network information center (InterNIC)
and other organizations of similar kind.

 At the request of an organization, JPNIC will register an <ORGANIZATION
name>.  The hierarchy below the registered <organization name> may be
set freely by the organization concerned within the definition of the
JP domain name.

 On December 1, 1993, JPNIC started an new pilot project to register
domain names called geographic domain names, which are based on a
concept different from that of attribute-type domain name to be
explained below.  A geographic domain name employs a geographic name
expressed in romaji.  Regional names will be registered to individuals,
corporations and other organizations.  For the details of this project,
please see  "Experimental project for registration of JP domain names
(geographic type)" (domain-geographic.txt).

 Registration of JP domain name by JPNIC is technical work to support
smooth communication through computer networks.  The work does not
imply any social guarantee, whether commercial or non-commercial.
Also, the work does not mean to provide any instruction, support,
guarantee or convenience in association with the work of network
connection.  The registration of a JP domain name by JPNIC just guarantee
the international uniqueness of that domain name in The Internet.

 As a rule the term JP domain name used in the following discussion
represents an attribute-type domain name.

2.Definition of JP domain name

 A JP domain name consists of character strings, or <SIMPLE names>,
comprising alphabetic letters ("A" to "Z" and "a" to "z"), numbers
("0" to "9") or a hyphen ("-"), each connected by a period (".").
It needs to satisfy al the following conditions.  In this document,
the right side of each character string separated by a period is called
the first level or top level followed by the second level and third
level to the left.

<JP domain name> ::= <SUBDOMAIN name> "." <ORGANIZATION domain name>
<ORGANIZATION domain name> ::= <organization name> "."<attribute> "." "JP"
<attribute> ::= <SIMPLE name>
<organization name> ::= <SIMPLE name>

<DOMAIN name> ::= <SUBDOMAIN name> | ""
<SUBDOMAIN name> ::= <SIMPLE name> | <SUBDOMAIN name> "." <SIMPLE name>
<SIMPLE name> ::= <LETTER> [ [ <STRING of alpha-numeric letters
                                   and hyphens>]<ALPHA-NUMERIC letter>]
<STRING of alpha-numeric letters and hyphen> ::=
                        <alpha-numeric/hyphen> | <alphanumeric/hyphen>
                        <STRING ofalphanumeric letters and hyphen>
<alpha-numeric/hyphen> ::= <ALPHA-NUMERIC letter> | "-"
<ALPHABETIC letter> ::= any letter from "A" to "Z" and from "a" to "z"
<NUMERIC letter> ::= any letter from "0" to "9"

 1. A <SIMPLE name> must start an alphabetic letter.
 2. A <SIMPLE name> must not end with a hyphen.
 3. The first level <SIMPLE name> is "JP".
 4. A second level <SIMPLE name> is one of "AC","AD","CO","GO"and"OR".
 5. A third level <SIMPLE name> must contain three or more letters
    up to 63 letters.
 6. A fourth-level and any subsequent <SIMPLE names> each must contain
    one or more letters up to 63 letters.
 7. The full length of a <JP domain name> must be up to 255 letters
    including periods.

 The <SIMPLE name> at the right side (first level) of any domain name
derived from the definition is made JP and the <SIMPLE name> to the
left of it (second level) an attribute.  The <SIMPLE name> to the left
to the attribute (third level) is made an organization name.  A domain
name comprising an organization name, an attribute and JP is called an
<ORGANIZATION domain name>.

 An <organization name> must be unique independent of the attribute used.
At all levels, no distinction is made between upper-case and lower-case

3.Definition of attribute

 A JP domain name attribute is defined based on the legal/formal
positioning of the organization concerned as follows:

AC = [Academic institutions]
        Schools (except primary and junior high and high schools),
        educational foundations, shared university facilities, and
        ministry-run colleges

CO = [Corporations]
        Commercial organizations, organizations under Commercial Law,
        organizations under Limited Liability Law, and special companies

GO = [Government organizations]
        Government organizations, municipal public organizations,
        ministry-run labs, special organizations (except special companies)

OR = [Organizations]
        Public corporations, non-profit organizations not under AC, CO
        or GO, similarly classified organizations and facilities, and
        communication services.

   A "similarly classified" organization should be one qualified as
  an organization formed under definite rules of incorporation.
  Attach the rules of incorporation to the remarks column of the
  application form.

   A communication services should have definite rules of operation...
  .............            .....          ....         ...
  Attach the rules of incorporation to the remarks column of the
  application form.

AD = [Network administration organizations]
        Computer network administration organizations.

   An organization of this type should have definite rules of operation
  for the purpose of providing network services through interconnection
  of organizations having individual domain names.   Attach the rules of
  network administration to the remarks column of the application form.
  These domain names may be used only by the network administration
  division of the network servicing organization.

   Foreign organizations and companies will be treated in the same manner
  as with Japanese equivalents or Japanese organizations of the similar


- Application -
 An organization domain name will be registered based on the application
submitted by the administrative contact (to be defined later) who is
responsible for use of the domain name in the area concerned.  The area
referred to above means an organization, such as a corporation or a
 For the details of the procedures for applying for a new domain name,
or changing an existing domain name and deleting an existing domain name,
refer to "Application for a new JP domain name (domain-name-new.txt)",
"Application for a JP domain name change (domain-name-change.txt)" and
"Application for deletion of a JP domain name (domain-name-delete.txt)",
respectively.  For this purpose, use the application form contained in
each of these documents.

- Submission of application -
 An application may be submitted by E-mail or mail. It is requested
that E-mail be used as far as possible to reduce the record processing
burden on the part of JPNIC.
 Please note that your application, if sent by mail, needs to be input
into the computer after arrival to JPNIC and its acceptance may
therefore require several days more than when it is sent by E-mail.
 If the technical contact does not have access to E-mail, it is
possible to register an application intermediary who can use E-mail.
No application will be accepted if sent by fax. (The technical contact
and the application intermediary will be defined later.)

   -If you use E-mail, send your application to :


   -If you send your application form by mail, enclose it in an envelop
    indicating "Domain Name Application Form Enclosed" in red on its
    face, together with another stamped envelope bearing the return
    address, and send it to the following address.  The enclosed stamped
    envelope will be used to send a notice to you.

            Japan Network Information Center
               Domain Name Working Group
            Mansui Bldg. 3F, 2-9-18, Kanda-Surugadai,
            Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan

- Contact Persons for application form -
 To apply for a domain name required the following two persons.
 They may be the same person.

    a. Administrative Contact
         The network manager of the organization that will use the
        domain name applied.  The administrative contact will assume
        all responsibilities associated with the application of a
        domain name and the use of the registered domain name.
         JPNIC will send a copy of any E-mail required to be sent
        to the administrative contact.

    b. Technical Contact
         The technical contact is the person responsible for responding
        to clerical and technical inquires in relation to the network
        to be applied for.  After a domain name has been registered,
        any inquiry about the domain name registered will be made to
        the technical contact.  In case the application was made by
        the application intermediary, which will be defined later,
        JPNIC will make any inquery about the domain name to the
        application intermediary until the domain name will be registered,
        and after the registration, to the technical contact.  It is
        requested that a person capable         of processing communication
        from JPNIC in an active manner be assigned as technical contact.
        JPNIC will send the administrative contact a carbon copy of any
        E-mail sent to the technical contact.

 If the technical contact does not have an E-mail address, it is possible
to assign a person having an E-mail address (hereinafter referred to as
an application intermediary) to submit an application for an organization
domain by using his/her E-mail address.  In this case, write the
intermediary in the application form.

    c. Application intermediary
         The application intermediary is the person who will submit
        an application for a domain name for the technical contact.
        The application intermediary will be responsible for providing
        liaison between JPNIC and the technical contact until a notice
        of domain name registration is received.

- Contact with JPNIC -
 If it is necessary for JPNIC to contact the applicant organization
before a notice of domain name registration is issued, the same procedure
as that for submitting an application will be followed.  That is, JPNIC
will contact the application intermediary or the technical contact
depending on whether the application was sent through the application
intermediary or submitted directly from the applicant organization
by mail.  The application intermediary is requested to pass any message
received from JPNIC to the technical contact without fail.
 JPNIC will not assume any responsibility with respect to communication
between the application intermediary and the technical contact.

 After a notice of domain name registration has been issued, any
information from JPNIC will be sent to the administrative contact and
technical contact registered.  Contact will be made by telephone or
mail until their E-mail addresses are entered in the JPNIC database as
personal information.
 If E-mail addresses capable of communication with JPNIC have been
established for the administrative contact and technical contact or
their E-mail addresses have been changed, please update the related
personal information in the JPNIC database without delay.  JPNIC will
contact them by using the E-mail address registered in the personal
information in the JPNIC database.

- Keeping more than one domain name -
  A single organization is not allowed to have more than one
 organization domain name except when:
        - the organization is in the process of changing the current
          organization domain name to another one
        - the same organization applies for its own domain name and
          multiple domain names for use with the communication services
          or network under its control.

- Disclosure of information described in application form -
 JPNIC and any organization under its commission may disclose the
information described in the application forms received (except for
the information written in the remarks column).  Any other information
exchanged with administrative contact and/or technical contact will not
be disclosed without their approval.

- Registration of domain name -
 The domain name registered shall not be assigned.

- Cancellation of domain name registration -
 If a false description or the like is found in the application in
the process of acceptance procedure, JPNIC may make it invalid.
If the domain name applied for has already been registered, JPNIC
may cancel it.

5.Procedure for application

 This section gives a general description of the procedure for
application for domain name registration.  For the details of the
procedures for applying for a new domain name, or changing an
existing domain name and deleting an existing domain name, refer to
"Application for a new JP domain name (domain-name-new.txt)",
"Application for a JP domain name change (domain-name-change.txt)" and
"Application for deletion of a JP domain name(domain-namedelete.txt)",

 The application procedure should be followed by the technical contact
under supervision of the administrative contact. The application form
should be printed on a word processor or the like.  As a rule,
communication with JPNIC should be made by the technical contact when
processing the application form and also after the registration of a
domain name.

 Upon submission of an application form, JPNIC will examine it and
within ten days of receipt, inform the technical contact whether the
domain name applied for can be registered or not within ten* days.
If it is found that the domain name applied for needs to undergo
examination, JPNIC will inform the technical contact to that effect
within ten* days.
 In the case of an application form sent by the technical contact or
the application intermediary using E-mail, JPNIC's notice will be given
to the technical contact or the application intermediary, respectively.
In the case of an application form sent by mail, notice will be given
to the technical contact by mail.
(The expression "within xx* days" means the number of days from receipt
of the application form at JPNIC and the sending of a reply by JPNIC
except holidays.  The actual number of days required must, therefore,
take into account the number of holidays and the number of days required
for communication by E-mail or mail.)

 The date of JPNIC's notice of domain name registration will be regarded
as the date of the registration of the domain name.

 In the following three cases, JPNIC deems that no application form
has been submitted and take no steps accordingly:

    -The application form has failed to reach JPNIC.
    -The application form sent by mail does not contain a stamped
     return envelope.
    -The return envelope was sent back to JPNIC for some reason,
     e.g., it bears a wrong address.

6.Inquiry about domain name

 Inquiries about a domain name may be accepted in the process of
application or after its application, provided such inquiries will be
made by E-mail or mail.  (No telephone inquiry will be accepted.)

  -An inquiry by E-mail should be sent to query@domain.nic.ad.jp
   by writing the domain name applied for or registered in the subject
   column as shown in the following sample:

        Sample: Subject: Question: XXXXX.YY.JP

  -An inquiry by mail should be sent to the following address in
   an envelope indicating "Question about domain name included" in
   red on the surface, enclosing a stamped return envelop bearing the
   return address.  The return envelop will be used by JPNIC to send
   a reply.

             Japan Network Information Center
                Domain Name Working Group
             Japan Network Information Center
             Mansui Bldg. 3F, 2-9-18, Kanda-Surugadai,
             Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan






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