


WHOIS 検索 サイト内検索 WHOISとは? JPNIC WHOIS Gateway
WHOIS検索 サイト内検索

JPNIC's contributions to the Internet community can be made, with the support of JPNIC members.

○This document is invalid due to expiration.
                       JPNIC Translated Document

Source document: jpnic/domain-name-change.txt
Date of the source: November 26, 1993
Date of the last update of this translation: February 14, 1996

This is a translation of a JPNIC document. JPNIC provides this
translation for convenience of those who can not read Japanese. But it
may contain mis-tranlations, and is by no means official. One should
consult the source document written in Japanese for detail.

                   JP Domain Name Change Application

                    Japan Network Information Center
                      Domain Name Registration Group

[ The copyright of this document is held by Japan Network        ]
[ Information Center.  The document may be freely reproduced and ]
[ distributed provided it is in no way modified.  The latest     ]
[ version of the document can be obtained by E-mail from         ]
[ info@domain.nic.ad.jp.                                         ]

1. Application for Change

 To change the domain name, organization name, and organization
description after registration of a JP domain name, an application for
change need be submitted.  The procedure for changing the domain name
is shown in section 2, and the procedure for changing the organization
name and organization description is shown in section 3.
 For changing other registration information, the technical contact
should do it by referring to "How to enter JPNIC registration form."

2. Application for Change of Domain Name

 An application for change of a domain name is made by submitting the
"Domain Name Changing Application."  In case of a change application
by E-mail, enter the domain name currently being used and the desired
new domain name in the column of Subject:  as shown in the example below,
and send it to:  apply@domain.nic.ad.jp

        Subject: Change: XXXX.YY.JP -> AAAAA.BB.JP
                         (current)    (desired new)

 In case of mailing, write "domain name application form enclosed" on
the surface of envelope by red pen, enclose a self-addressed, stamped
return envelope and send it to the following address by mail.
 The return envelope would be used for sending notification.

        Japan Network Information Center
        Mansui Bldg. 3F, 2-9-18, Kanda-Surugadai,
        Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan

 It takes time for an application by mail to be input to the machine,
therefore, take notice that it may take some days more than an
application by E-mail.

2-0. Handling of Application Form
 When an application is accepted, the organization entered on the
application form and the registered domain name are registered in the
JPNIC database.
 It should be permitted that JPNIC can publish the registered information.
JPNIC registers the domain information and each personal information
in the JPNIC database when a domain name is registered.

 For changing the personal information such as the administrative
contact after registration, each one should update data to the JPNIC
database.  As for update method, refer to "How to enter the JPNIC
registration form."
 It should be noted sufficiently that application cannot be accepted
if there is an omission or unclear entry on the application form.

 In addition, if a false entry concerning an application or a false
application is found, JPNIC invalidates an application being in progress,
and JPNIC can immediately cancel the registration of a domain name which
was already registered.

2-1. Accepting Change Application and Notification for the Change
 JPNIC registers a domain name within 10 days* after accepting an
application form and notifies it to the technical contact, as far as
the domain name applied does not agree with a domain name that already
exists and the attribute of the domain name is consistent with
"2.Definition of JP domain name" and "3.Definition of attribute" of
"Application for JP Domain Name."

 However, the registration procedure may be delayed by such reason that
an examination for domain name attribute is needed and so forth in JPNIC.
In that case, JPNIC contacts the technical contact for the situations
within 10 days*.  In examination, the technical contact who made
application may be asked to submit document describing the reason for
selecting the domain name.  When the new domain name is registered as
a result of examination, JPNIC sends a domain name change notification.
If the new domain name is not registered as a result of examination,
JPNIC notifies the result to the technical contact.

2-2. Confirmation of Change and Deletion of Old Domain Name

 JPNIC confirms the change at the change confirmation date entered on
the domain name change notification.  In case the new domain name has
been registered in the name server of JPNIC at this stage, the change
is regarded as being established, and if not registered, the change is
regarded as not being established.
 The date of confirmation of change is about three months after the
date on which the new domain name was registered.

When the change is established:
 After three months from the date on which the change was confirmed,
the domain name before the change is deleted and invalidated, and it
cannot be re-registered for a year from the date entered on the domain
name change notification.  (That is, both the new and old domain names
are registered in the name server of JPNIC for three months from the
date on which the change was confirmed.)

When the change is not established:
 The domain name is regarded as not being changed, and the application
is canceled.

 The organization domain name cannot be changed for a year after the
registration of the new domain name.

2-3. When Change is Desired by an Unconnected Domain

 When a domain which was not once connected to the network desires
change of its domain name, conduct instantaneous deletion of domain name
+ new application procedure, instead of the change application procedure.
In this case, it should be noted that the abolished domain name can be
registered immediately.

2-4. Precautions for Writing the Change Application Form

-Be sure to type the application form for mailing.

-Application forms are processed mechanically except for some cases.
 Comments, etc. written in other than remarks columns are always ignored.
 Especially, there are many examples of writing messages immediately
 before the application form, however, be sure to write comments in
 the remarks columns.

-Enter the contents applicable to the item after ] (end bracket) of
 the item.  If the subject to be entered cannot be included in a line,
 write it in the next line successively.  In the succeeding line, do
 not write the item (such as [Address]) but put one or more TAB or space
 at the beginning of the line.

-A line ending with : (colon) is not an entry column.

-Do not change the item name or item sequences.  As far as possible,
 get "4. domain name change application form" in this file and use it
 for application.

-Items for which "can be omitted" is written in the description of each
 item below can be omitted.  To omit entry, nothing should be entered
 in the entry column.  Be sure to enter items for which "can be omitted"
 is not written.

-Even if two or more columns have the same contents, do not write such
 omission as "ditto" or "same as xx column" but enter the same contents.

-Alphanumeric characters, blanks and symbols should be half size.

2-5. Description of each item relating to domain name change
     application form is shown below.
     (The each item is filled in Japanese, hence no translation is
      given here.)

[申請年月日]  Enter the year, month and day on which the application
(Date)        form is sent, such as 1992/09/25.

[ドメイン名]  Enter the domain name currently being used.
(Domain Name)

[組織名]      Enter the organization name registered currently.

(Administrative contact)
        Enter the information of the administrative contact who
        is currently registered.  The information entered here is not
        reflected to the JPNIC database.  When the administrative contact
        is to be changed, perform the update procedure for the JPNIC

[氏名]  Enter the last name and first name of the administrative contact.

[JPNICハンドル]  Enter the JPNIC handle of the administrative contact.
(JPNIC Handle)

(Technical Contact)
        Enter the information of any one of the technical contact
        (in principle, the person who makes this application) registered
        currently.  The information entered here is not reflected to
        the JPNIC database.  When the technical contact is to be changed,
        perform the update procedure for the JPNIC database.

[氏名]  Enter the last name and first name of the technical contact.

[JPNICハンドル]  Enter the JPNIC handle of the technical contact.
(JPNIC Handle)

(Application Internediary)
        When the technical contact cannot use E-mail, JPNIC
        recommends the method of mediation using E-mail by a mediator
        who can use E-mail, instead of application by mail.  In such
        case, enter the information of the mediator.  When no mediator
        is provided, omit all items of application mediator.

[氏名]  Enter the last name and first name of the application mediator.

[電子メイル]  Enter the E-mail address of the application mediator.

[変更希望ドメイン名]  Enter the domain name desired to be used after change.
(Domain Name)

[変更理由]  Enter the reason for change.
(Reason for Change)             (Number of characters are not restricted.)

        For the following cases, enter the information of the organization
        corresponding to the new domain name.  For other cases, this item
        can be omitted.
        -When the organization information of the old domain
         registered in JPNIC is incomplete.
        -The reason for change is organization name change.
        -When the organization name also is changed together with
         the domain name.

[組織名]  Enter the organization name.

[Organization]  Enter the organization name in English.

[郵便番号]  Enter the zip code of the representing department of
(Zip Code)  the organization.

[住所]     Enter the address of the representing department of
(Address)  the organization.

[Address]  Enter the address of the representing department of
           the organization in English.

[組織概要]  Enter the description of the organization.

[Description]  Enter the description of the organization in English.

[備考]      If it is wished to give information other than the above,
(Remarks)   be sure to enter it here.

3. Change of Organization Name and Description

 Change of organization name and description is made by submitting a
"notice for organization name change."  However, for a change notice
by E-mail, enter the registered domain name in the column of Subject:
as shown in the following example, and send it to:

        Subject: Change: XXXX.YY.JP

 If JPNIC judges that a domain name that was already registered is not
suitable to the organization description because of organization name
change, etc., JPNIC may ask change or deletion of the domain name.
 The "notification for acceptance of organization name change notice"
is sent to the technical contact within 10 days* from the date on which
the notice for organization name change was accepted.

 However, if an examination is required in JPNIC for the attribute of
the domain name currently being registered, in accordance with the
organization name change, JPNIC will contact to the technical contact
for the situations within 10 days*.

3-1. Precautions for Writing the Notice for Organization Name Change

-Be sure to type the application form for mailing.

-Application forms are processed mechanically except for some cases.
 Comments, etc. written in other than remarks columns are always ignored.
 Especially, there are many examples of writing messages immediately
 before the application form, however, be sure to write comments in the
 remarks columns.

-Enter the contents applicable to the item after ] (end bracket) of
 the item.  If the subject to be entered cannot be included in a line,
 write it in the next line successively.  In the succeeding line,
 do not write the item (such as [Address]) but put one or more TAB or
 space at the beginning of the line.

-A line ending with : (colon) is not an entry column.

-Do not change the item name or item sequences.  As far as possible,
 get "5. Organization name change application form" in this file and
 use it for application.

-Alphanumeric characters, blanks and symbols should be half size.

3-2. Discription of each item relating to organization name change
     application form is shown below.
     (The each item is filled in Japanese, hence no translation is
      given here.)

[申請年月日]  Enter the year, month and day on which the application
(Date)        form is sent, such as 1992/09/25.

[ドメイン名]  Enter the domain name currently being used.
(Domain Name)

[組織名]  Enter the organization name registered currently.

(Administrative Contact)
        Enter the information of the administrative contact who
        is currently registered.  The information entered here is not
        reflected to the JPNIC database.  When the administrative
        contact         is to be changed, perform the update procedure for the
        JPNIC database.

[氏名]  Enter the last name and first name of the administrative contact.

[JPNICハンドル]  Enter the JPNIC handle of the administrative contact.
(JPNIC Handle)

(Technical Contact)
        Enter the information of any one of the technical
        contact (in principle, the person who makes this application)
        registered currently.  The information entered here is not
        reflected to the JPNIC database.  When the technical contact
        is to be changed, perform the update procedure for the JPNIC

[氏名]  Enter the last name and first name of the technical contact.

[JPNICハンドル]  Enter the JPNIC handle of the technical contact.
(JPNIC Handle)

(Application Internediary)
        When the technical contact cannot use E-mail, JPNIC
        recommends the method of mediation using E-mail by a mediator
        who can use E-mail, instead of application by mail.  In such
        case, enter the information of the mediator.
        When no mediator is provided, omit all items of application

[氏名]  Enter the last name and first name of the application mediator.

[電子メイル]  Enter the electronic mail address of the application mediator.

[変更理由]  Enter the reason for the change of organization name.
(Reason for Change)         (Number of characters are not restricted.)


[組織名]  Enter the new organization name.

[Organization]  Enter the new organization name in English.

[郵便番号]  Enter the zip code of the representing department of
(Zip Code)  the new organization.

[住所]     Enter the address of the representing department of the
(Address)  new organization.

[Address]  Enter the address of the representing department of the
        new organization in English.

[組織概要]    Enter the description of the new organization.

[Description]  Enter the description of the new organization in English.

[備考]      If it is wished to give information other than the above,
(Remarks)   be sure to enter it here.

4. Domain Name Change Application Form
   (The following application form needs to be filled in Japanese,
    hence no translation is given here.)









5. Organization Name Change Application Form
   (The following application form needs to be filled in Japanese,
    hence no translation is given here.)











Appendix 1.
  Refer to the following example for deciding the attribute of
  the domain name and for entering the organization description.

AC [Academic Organizations]
        = universities, higher technical schools, special schools,
          junior colleges, higher special schools, technical schools,
          non-regular schools, academies, educational institutions

CO [Companies]
        = stock companies, limited companies, limited partnerships,
          unlimited partnerships, chartered companies

GO [Governmental Organizations]
        = ministries, special corporations
          (however, chartered companies are excluded.)

OR [Organizations]
        = foundational corporations, incorporated associations,
          religious corporations, medical corporations,
          personal computer networks

AD [Network Administration Organization]
        = computer network administration organizations
                  (those which aim to provide network services by
                   interconnecting organizations that have domain
                   names, and which have clear operation rules)


Appendix 2.
  Format of Change Notification and Organization Name Change Notice
  Acceptance Notification

a.   Format of domain name change notification
                                                               年  月  日






  1. ドメイン名割り当て後、変更確認日までにJPNICの管理するネームサーバー

  2. この割り当ては、ネットワーク接続に関わる諸作業に対する命令、援助、

b.   Format of notification for organization name change notice acceptance
                                                            年  月  日











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