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JPNIC's contributions to the Internet community can be made, with the support of JPNIC members.
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It should also be noted that parts of the documents indicated in
Japanese characters may not be legible under the non-Japanese

|  Copyright notice for JPNIC open documents                                  |
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|  Japan Network Information Center                                           |
|  Fuundo Bldg. 1F, 1-2 Kanda-Ogawamachi,                                     |
|  Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052, Japan                                          |

    IP Address Allocation/Return Request Form (For JPNIC Members)

                Japan Network Information Center
                Superceded on: 22 October 1999
                Valid till   : 31 December 2000

*Outline of this document*

This document is valid from 29 January, 2000.

This document explains the form used for the IP Address Allocation
Request Form (For JPNIC Members) and IP Address Allocation Block
Return Request Form.

Refer to the following document for the flow of the IP Address
Allocation/Return Request Process (For JPNIC Members):

  "IP Address Allocation/Return Request Process (For JPNIC Members)"

Please note that the name of each item in a form is described in
Japanese and there is no request form in English.


  1. Flow of request
  2. Request contact
  3. IP Address Allocation Request Form
    3.1 Explanation of each item
    3.2 Example
  4. IP Address Allocation Block Return Request Form
    4.1 Explanation of each item
    4.2 Example
  Material 1 Example of [Remarks]

1. Flow of request

The following document explains the flow of the IP address allocation
request process. Read it before making a request.

  "IP Address Allocation/Return Request Process (For JPNIC Members)"

2. Request contact

Please submit the IP address allocation request to the following:

    E-mail      request@ip.nic.ad.jp

    Post        Japan Network Information Center
                Fuundo Bldg. 1F, 1-2 Kanda-Ogawamachi,
                Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052, Japan

※If sending by post, write "IP Address Allocation Request Form
  enclosed" on the envelope in red ink, enclose a stamped addressed
  envelope, and send it to the address given above. The stamped
  addressed envelope is used to send back the notice.

3. IP Address Allocation Request Form

  IP Address Allocation Request Form
a. [会員略称]
b. [接続性]
c. [接続JPNIC会員略称]
d. [addr-3mo]
e. [addr-6mo]
B. [network-plan]
B. [network-plan]
D. [old-network]
D. [old-network]


  3.1 Explanation of each item

a. [会員略称] *Mandatory*

Fill in the same string as the membership code in member information.

b. [接続性] *Mandatory*

Fill in a number from 1 to 4 to describe how you connect to the

  1. Major exchange point
      Connection to the point where more than 4 providers exchange
      traffic in layer 2 of OSI7 -layer reference models:

      Fill in the name of the point and contact address of the person
      in charge of the point in the [備考] column.

  2. Service provider
      Connection to a JPNIC member provider, which provides Internet
      connection service

  3. Others
      In the case of connection to the Internet not applicable to 1 or
      2 given above:
      Describe in detail why assignment is necessary in the [備考] column.

  4. Not connected
      In case there are no plans to connect the network to the
      Internet currently or in the future, and a globally unique IP
      address is needed:
      It is necessary to consider using an address reserved by RFC1918
      for this type of network.
      If it is judged that usage of a private address is not possible,
      a unique IP address is allocated.

c. [接続JPNIC会員略称]

If [接続性] is 2, fill in the membership code of the JPNIC member to
be connected (or already connected).  Refer to the following document
for the membership code:

  "Japan Network Information Center Member List"

This information is used for aggregatable address assignment in order
to promote aggregation in view of the rapid increase in routing
information.  Please liaise with the connection JPNIC member
thoroughly when making a request.

Multiple items may be entered here.

d. [addr-3mo] *Mandatory*

Fill in the forecast value for the cumulative assignment address space
in 3 months time after converting to a number of host address, using
about 2 most significant digits. Cumulative assignment address space
here includes assignment to the member's network and user's network.

e. [addr-6mo] *Mandatory*

Fill in the forecast value for the cumulative assignment address space
in 6 months time after converting into number of host address, using
about 2 most significant digits. Cumulative assignment address space
here includes assignment to the member's network and user's network.

B. [network-plan] *Mandatory*

Fill in the detailed information on new networks to be constructed in
the next one year among those infrastructure networks constructed by
JPNIC members for each subnet, using the format shown below. Do not
include page breaks in factors or between factors.

Do not write anything for those parts constructed using private address.

[network-plan] address mask connect n0/n1/n2 remarks [division, purpose]

    address:    Network address
                If the address to be assigned is not known when
                requesting, fill in using the figure starting from

    Mask:       Subnet mask

    connect : YES, NO or PART
                YES:    Connected to Internet.
                NO:     Not connected to Internet.
                PART:   Part-time connection (e.g. dialup connection)

    n0      : Current number of hosts on the subnet
    n1      : Number of hosts on the subnet after 6 months
    n2      : Number of hosts on the subnet after 1 year

    remarks  : Fill in the usage organization and purpose of the network.
               You may use Japanese (full size) or English (half size)
                  ・division:   Organization, Headquarter, Branch, Sales,
                                Information System
                  ・purpose:    Purpose, Dialup, Server, Network

              Refer also to the examples included in material 1.

Describe all factors for this item.
Multiple items may be entered here.

D. [old-network]

Fill in the construction of the current network that is constructed at
the address assigned for the infrastructure network constructed by
JPNIC members for each subnet. Do not include page breaks in factors
or between factors.

Do not write anything for parts that are constructed using private
address. (This need not be filled in when returning address currently

        [old-network] address mask connect n0/n1/n2 remarks [division, purpose]

    address:    Network address

    mask:       Subnet mask

    connect :    YES, NO or PART
                YES : Connected to Internet.
                NO  : Not connected to Internet.
                PART: Part-time connection (e.g. dialup connection)

    n0      : Current number of hosts on the subnet
    n1      : Number of hosts on the subnet after 6 months
    n2      : Number of hosts on the subnet after 1 year

    remarks  : Fill in the usage organization and purpose of the network.
              You may use Japanese (full size) or English (half size) characters.
                  ・division: Organization, Headquarter, Branch, Sale,
                              Information System
                  ・purpose: Purpose, Dialup, Server, Network

              Refer also to the examples included in material 1.

Describe all factors for this item.
Multiple items may be entered here.


You may fill in additional optional detailed information that may be
helpful in proving the validity of your request.

Diagrams showing network topology or detailed explanations describing
the grounds for usage of address space and subnet plans are helpful in
understanding the requirements for the network of your members should
questions arise at JPNIC, and may enable the request to be processed
more quickly.

  3.2 Example

(E.g.: Example of topology of infrastructure)

The following is an example of a member under the following conditions:

  ・Membership code is [JPNIC].
  ・Allocation of 192.0.192/22 is currently received.
  ・192.0.192/23 is assigned for the infrastructure network.
  ・Address are assigned from 192.0.194/23 sequentially to customers,
    however, 60% of this block is already assigned.
  ・All the above mentioned assignment in the JPNIC database has been
  ・As the total assignment rate exceeds 80%, it was decided to
    request allocation.

The following is an example of the IP Address Allocation Request Form
for the member:

  IP Address Allocation Request Form
a. [会員略称] JPNIC
b. [接続性] 1
c. [接続JPNIC会員略称]
d. [addr-3mo] 1280
e. [addr-6mo] 2500
B. [network-plan] YES 0/2/2 Tokyo-NOC point-to-point(Nagoya)
B. [network-plan] YES 0/2/2 Tokyo-NOC point-to-point(Osaka)
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/2 Tokyo-NOC point-to-point(Sendai)
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/2 Tokyo-NOC point-to-point(Fukuoka)
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/2 Tokyo-NOC point-to-point(Sapporo)
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/2 Tokyo-NOC point-to-point(Hiroshima)
B. [network-plan] YES 0/3/5 Nagoya-AP router-LAN
B. [network-plan] YES 0/3/5 Osaka-AP router-LAN
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/3 Sendai-AP router-LAN
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/3 Fukuoka-AP router-LAN
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/3 Sapporo-AP router-LAN
B. [network-plan] YES 0/0/3 Hiroshima-AP router-LAN
B. [network-plan] PART 0/92/184 Nagoya-AP Dup-Pool
B. [network-plan] PART 0/92/184 Osaka-AP Dup- Pool
B. [network-plan] PART 0/0/92 Sendai-AP Dup-Pool
B. [network-plan] PART 0/0/92 Fukuoka-AP Dup-Pool
B. [network-plan] PART 0/0/92 Sapporo-AP Dup-Pool
B. [network-plan] PART 0/0/92 Hiroshima-AP Dup-Pool
D. [old-network] YES 5/7/9 Tokyo-NOC LAN-SW-segment
D. [old-network] YES 7/10/12 Tokyo-NOC server-segment
D. [old-network] YES 2/2/2 Tokyo-NOC IX-connection
D. [old-network] YES 2/2/2 Tokyo-NOC peering-connection
D. [old-network] YES 5/6/8 Tokyo-NOC router-LAN
D. [old-network] PART 138/184/184 Tokyo-NOC Dup-Pool

Peering point information
Point name: xxIX
Person in charge: Ichiro Yamada (yamada@nic.ad.jp) TEL 03-5297-2311

An outline of the network configuration for our company is shown below.

           +--------------> Internet Exchange
           |  +---------- > Peering Point
           |  |
         +------+                                             A
         |Router|----+-----+------+-----+-------+------+      |
         +------+    |     |      |     |       |      |      |
            |      +---+ +----+ +---+ +----+ +------+ +--+    |
            |      |DNS| |Mail| |WWW| |News| |RADIUS| |WS|    |
            |      +---+ +----+ +---+ +----+ +------+ +--+    |
+------------------------+                                    | Equipment
|         LAN-SW         |                                    | in Tokyo NOC
+------------------------+                                    |
   |      ......      |                                       |
   |                  |                                       |
+------+          +------+                                    |
|Router|          |Router|                                    |
+------+          +------+                                    |
   |                  |      +----+                           |
   |                  +------|D-up| 2PRI(INS-1500x2)          |
   |                  |      +----+                           |
   |                  |      +----+                           |
   |                  +------|D-up| 2PRI(INS-1500x2)          |
   |                  |      +----+                           |
   | HSD(/30)         |      +----+                           |
   |                  +------|D-up| 2PRI(INS-1500x2)          |
   |                  |      +----+                           |
   |                  |      +----+                           |
   |                  +------|Edge|-------User                |
   |                         +----+                           V
+------+                         A
|Router|                         |
+------+                         |
   |                             |
   |   +----+                    |
   +---|D-up| 2PRI(INS-1500x2)   |
   |   +----+                    | Equipment in access point
   |   +----+                    | (Nagoya, Osaka, Sendai, Fukuoka,
   +---|D-up| 2PRI(INS-1500x2)   |  Sapporo, Hiroshima)
   |   +----+                    |
   |   +----+                    |
   +---|Edge|-------User         |
       +----+                    V

(Example 2: Example of [Remarks] for a large-scale infrastructure expansion plan)


(1) Facility extension plan (main facilities/cumulative total)

                           1999/09    1999/12    2000/03    2000/06
D-up router (MAX4000)<2PRI>     50   73( +23)   99( +26)  160( +61)
D-up router (MAX6000)<4PRI>      1    2(  +1)   12( +10)   22( +10)
Edge router (C3640)            101  152( +51)  261(+109)  380(+119)
Core router (C7206)             94  114( +20)  134( +20)  154( +20)

(2) Number of access points to be set

                Total    Configuration A  Configuration B ・・・・・・・
Hokkaido        10              1               2
Tohoku          17              0               2
Kanto           45              8               4
Tokyo           19              8               4
Shin-etsu       8               1               1
Tokai           25              3               8
Hokuriku        9               3               2
Kansai          56              17              14
Chugoku                 13              2               5
Shikoku                 10              4               2
Kyushu          19              8               1
Total          231             55              45

(3) Outline of network configuration

|                                                 |
|     Backbone (Router, Server, LAN-SW, etc.)     |
|                                                 |
|        +----+          +----+      +----+       |
         +----+          +----+      +----+
           |                |4PRI      |Unnumbered
           |                |          |
           |HSD(/30)        |          |
           |                |          |
           |                |          |
         +----+   ---       |          |
         |Core|    | AP     |          |
         +----+    V        |          |
           |Ether(/29)      |          |
       +---+---+            |          |
       |       |            |          |
    +----+   +----+         |          |
    |D-up|   |Edge|         |          |
    +----+   +----+         |          |
       |4PRI   |            |          |
       |       |            |          |
       |       |            |          |
      user    user         user       user

(4) Outline of backbone configuration


(5) Outline of access point configuration
  (5-1) Access point configuration pattern A
  (5-2) Access point configuration pattern B
  (5-3) Access point configuration pattern C


4. IP Address Allocation Block Return Request Form

  IP Address Allocation Block Return Request Form
a. [会員略称]
b. [返却アドレス空間]


4.1 Explanation of each item

a. [会員略称] *Mandatory*

Fill in the same string as the membership code in member information.

b. [返却アドレス空間] *Mandatory*

Fill in the allocation block to be returned in prefix form.

Multiple items may be entered here.

4.2 Example

  IP Address Allocation Block Return Request Form

a. [会員略称] JPNIC
b. [返却アドレス空間]


Material 1 Example of [Remarks]

・division: Organization
                Headquarters, branches, Osaka branch, Nagoya office,
                Fukuoka works
                Accounting, General Affairs, R&D, Sales, Information
                Systems, Computer Center
                Tokyo NOC, Osaka AP
                HQ, Branch, R&D, Marketing, Sales
                support-group, customer-svc

・purpose: Purpose
                Backbone, Server, Dialup
                LAN, WAN, Network
                R&D-network, HQ-net
                dial-up, dialup-ports, servers, point-to-point

End of document

*Related documents*

"IP Address Allocation/Return Request Process (For JPNIC Members)"

"Japan Network Information Center JPNIC Member List"






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