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JPNIC's contributions to the Internet community can be made, with the support of JPNIC members.
○This document is invalid due to expiration.
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It should also be noted that parts of the documents indicated in
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|  Copyright notice for JPNIC open documents                                  |
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|  Japan Network Information Center                                           |
|  Fuundo Bldg. 1F, 1-2 Kanda-Ogawamachi,                                     |
|  Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052, Japan                                          |

    IP Address Assignment Report Process (For JPNIC Member's Network)

                Japan Network Information Center
                Superceded on: 1999 October 22
                Valid till   : 2000 December 31

*Outline of this document*

This document is valid from 29 January 2000.

This document explains the procedure for members who are consigned to
IP address assignment by JPNIC (hereinafter "JPNIC member") to assign
actual IP addresses in the JPNIC member's network.

Use the following request form for making assignment reports to JPNIC:

  "IP Address Assignment Report Form (For JPNIC Member's Network)"

Refer to the following document for assignment work conditions:

  "IP Address Allocation/Return Request Process (For JPNIC Members)"

Please note that the name of each item in a form is described in
Japanese and there is no request form in English.


  1. Guideline for assignment
  2. IP address assignment criteria
    2.1 Usage rate
    2.2 Size of IP address assignment
    2.3 Assignment in the past
    2.4 Usage rate after assignment
    2.5 When connection is lost
  3. Fee
  4. Flow of assignment work
    4.1 Estimation of IP address (space)
    4.2 IP address assignment work
    4.3 Assignment report to JPNIC
    4.4 Checking JPNIC database registration information
    4.5 Payment of fee
  5. Assignment of address space smaller than /24
    5.1 Name server registration method
    5.2 Network information registration method
  6. IP address return
  7. IP address renumbering
  8. Qualifications for making an IP address assignment report request
  9. Inquiries

1. Guideline for assignment

This document is based on JPNIC policy. Refer to the following
document for JPNIC policy:

  "Policies for Address Space Management in JPNIC"

Address space assigned to members is used to perform address
assignment work delegated by JPNIC. Therefore, note the following

  ・JPNIC members are not permitted to consign other persons to assign
    addresses. A member who assigns addresses is responsible for
    assignment of the whole delegated space.

  ・The JPNIC member must carry out assignment work based on the
    address assignment rules set by JPNIC and make every effort to use
    addresses efficiently and aggregate routing information.

  ・Registration in the JPNIC database is part of the address
    assignment work.

  ・When assigning address space smaller than /24, it is necessary to
    set/manage/use the name server for reverse lookup.

  ・The contents of IP address assignment work consigned by JPNIC may
    be changed occasionally according to international assignment

2. IP address assignment criteria

The JPNIC address assignment criteria is determined based on the
contents of RFC2050 and the assignment criteria currently used in
other registries including APNIC, which is the upper-level registry of

The assignment criteria described here is regarded as appropriate by
the current Internet community, and so may change in the future with
trends or circumstances. Therefore, refer to the latest documentation
at all times when performing assignment.


  "Policies for Address Space Management in the Asia-Pacific Region"

  2.1 Usage rate

Usage rate is used as a criterion for IP address assignment. JPNIC
defines the usage rate as shown below.

                Total number of addresses assigned to host, etc.
                from assigned space
Usage rate = ------------------------------------------------- x 100
               Size of assigned space - Number of subnets x 2

Example: Usage rate when /27 is assigned in the case that there are
Network A (2 hosts), Network B (6 hosts) and Network C (9 hosts)

         (2 + 6 + 9)
        ------------ X 100  =  Approx. 65%
         32 - 3 * 2

  2.2 Size of assigned IP address space

In order to assign a suitable size of address space, the network
design plan of the JPNIC members themselves is referred to.

The network design plan indicates the number of hosts to be connected
just after assignment, 6 months after assignment, 1 year after
assignment, the growth ratio estimated during those periods, and
changes of network topology for possible improvement.

Based on this network design plan, addresses are assigned considering
the size of the address space so that the following condition on usage
rate is met:

                Just after assignment           Usage rate over 25%
                Within a year after assignment  Usage rate over 50%

JPNIC considers the period within 3 months after assignment as "just
after assignment."

If there are too few hosts and the conditions are not met, assign
addresses smaller than /24. In this case, measures for registering the
name server or network information are required. Refer to "5. Assignment
of address space smaller than /24" for details.

It is not necessary for addresses to be assigned continuously.
However, aggregation of routing information for the Internet as a
whole must be considered. For example, it is possible to assign /23
and /30, and in this case the total number of addresses becomes 516
(512 + 4).

Note that the usage rate should be calculated based on the total
number of addresses in the assigned space.

However, if an unnatural address usage state is found, including cases
where there is a subnet with an extremely low usage rate, JPNIC may
request an explanation in some cases.

  2.3 Assignment in the past

When you make a new assignment, do so based on the usage rate that
includes all addresses already assigned.

If you already receive provider-independent assignment by the registry
(e.g. JPNIC, APNIC), it should be returned whenever possible and the
JPNIC member must make a new assignment. The size of addresses
assigned in this case shall comply with the criteria given in "2.2
Size of IP address assignment".

However, if the JPNIC member does not announce routing information for
an address already assigned to outside, the host that uses the address
can be excluded from the number of hosts when calculating the usage

  2.4  Usage rate after assignment

If it is found after assignment that the usage rate does not comply
with the criteria, return it and try a new assignment.

  2.5 When connection is lost

Addresses assigned by JPNIC members to their own network must be
returned to the JPNIC members themselves when connection to the
Internet is lost. Please return the address within 3 months after
connection is lost, in principle.

The JPNIC member may use the returned address for new assignment.

3. Fee

JPNIC collects a fee for an assignment that enlarges the address
space, in principle.

Refer to the following document for assignment targets and fee

  "IP Address Request Fee"

4. Flow of assignment work

The flow of work carried out by the JPNIC member after being consigned
to assignment work is shown below.

    1) Checking the contents of assignment
      ・Estimate the actual IP address (space) based on "2.1 Usage rate"
        and "2.2 Size of IP address assignment" given above.

    2) IP address assignment work
      ・Assign the estimated IP address (space).

    3) Assignment report to JPNIC
      ・Report the assignment to JPNIC; JPNIC then registers the
        contents of the request in the database.

    4) Checking JPNIC database registration information

    5) Payment of fee

Individual work is explained in detail in the following sections.

4.1 Estimation of IP address (space)

The actual IP address (space) is estimated based on the network design
plan of JPNIC members themselves according to "2.1 Usage rate" and
"2.2 Size of IP address assignment" described above.

  4.2 IP address assignment work

Assign IP address (space) estimated in "4.1 Estimation of IP address
(space)] above from the space consigned to the JPNIC members

Assignments for the network of a JPNIC member can not be the subject
of a JPNIC evaluation request, however, the assignment state will be
inspected by JPNIC when the allocation is requested.

However, when questions arise as a result of inspection of assignment
state in the past performed by JPNIC, JPNIC may consult the JPNIC
member in this regard.

  4.3 Assignment report to JPNIC

Be sure to report the assignment after making an assignment to the
JPNIC member's own network.

Once the assignment of addresses has been reflected in the JPNIC
database, the assignment work is considered as "completed".

However, if the assignment of IP address is considered inappropriate
upon receipt of the assignment report, JPNIC may prohibit assignment
of the addresses.

Note that information on assignments reported to JPNIC must be

Use the request form shown below for reporting assignments to JPNIC.

  "IP Address Assignment Report Form (For JPNIC Member's Network)"

Submit requests to JPNIC to the address shown below. Information is
registered in the JPNIC database at the same time. Please describe the
details in the IP Address Assignment Report Form and send it by


Once a notice is received from apply@ip.nic.ad.jp stating that the
form has been accepted and registration in the database completed, the
work of the JPNIC member is complete.

If the content of the form is deficient in some way, notification will
be received from apply@ip.nic.ad.jp; make corrections till the form is

  4.4 Checking JPNIC database registration information

JPNIC database registration information can be checked as follows.

Checking using whois:

          whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
         (IP Network address)

Searching using JPNIC's website at:


  4.5 Payment of fee

JPNIC sends invoices for fees to the accountant registered in the
membership information once every 2 months. The invoice is for the
assignment described in [3. Fee].

Refer to the following document for assignment targets and fee amounts:

  "IP Address Request Fee"

5. Assignment of address space smaller than /24

Notes regarding the assignment of address space smaller than /24 are
given below.

  5.1 Name server registration method

JPNIC does not register name servers for address spaces smaller than

When an address space smaller than /24 is assigned, the JPNIC member
must start a name server related to the addresses of /24 and register
network information.

The network name must be described as shown below in order to make it
distinguishable from addresses assigned to JPNIC members themselves.

b. [ネットワーク名] SUBA-NNN-MMM

Here, NNN represents the JPNIC membership No. and MMM is an optional
3-digit character string determined among the members.

  5.2 Network information registration method

When you assign an address space smaller than /24, you need to
register the network information for the assigned part in the JPNIC

Register the IP network address in the registration form for normal
network information in address prefix form as shown below.

a. [IP ネットワークアドレス]

JPNIC does not register reverse look up servers of DNS for address
spaces smaller than /24. Therefore, information regarding the name
server can not be registered with network information for an address
space smaller than this /24.

6. IP address return

The JPNIC member must return IP addresses included in address space
consigned according to the following document:

  "IP Address Return Application Process"

7. IP address renumbering

When you wish to carry out returning and assignment at the same time
due to a change of connection, etc., refer to the following documents
and carry out the renumbering process:

  "IP Address Renumbering Application Process (For JPNIC Member's Network)"
  "IP Address Renumbering Application Process(For User's Network)"

8. Qualifications for making an IP address assignment report request

Regarding the address assignment report, JPNIC will only accept
assignment requests sent from the E-mail address registered in [DB
registration] of the JPNIC member information, to which the address
block is allocated.

9. Inquiries

If an incorrect IP address is registered in the assignment report,
report it to the contact shown below within 5 business days from the
day on which the assignment report was completed. This will then be
processed as an invalid report even after it has been registered in
the database.

Cancellation of a report after 5 business days from registration in
the database will be charged.

If there are any unclear points regarding the procedure, send mail to
the following address.


End of document

*Related documents*

"IP Address Assignment Report Form (For JPNIC Member's Network)"

"IP Address Allocation/Return Process (For JPNIC Members)"

"Policies for Address Space Management in JPNIC"


"">Policies for Address Space Management in the Asia-Pacific Region"

"IP Address Request Fee"

"IP Address Return Application Process"

"IP Address Renumbering Application (For JPNIC Member's Network)"

"IP Address Renumbering Application (For User's Network)"






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