1994/01/21 資料 2-7 APNIC/APCCIRN 報告 1994/01/21 nakayama@nic.ad.jp 1. APNIC/APCCIRN 報告 APCCIRN は、1993/12/10-11 両日に渡り、台北、Science and Technology Building において、4カ国、44名が参加して開催された。(同会議の Aggenda 並びに議事録の詳細については、nic.nm.kr:~ftp/apccirn/{036.agenda.Dec93, 041.minute.Dec93}から入手することができるので、詳細はそちらを参照下さい) 同会議において、APNIC pilot project の作業報告に相当する中間報告が APNIC WG のメンバーである David Conrad 氏より行なわれた。また、JPNIC において始ま った地域ドメインの実験に関しての報告を中山が行なった。同議事録(案)の関連 部分の抜粋は、以下の通りである。 また、次回の APCCIRN 会議は 6/17-18 にプラハで開催される Inet'94 に引続き 行なわれることとなり、pilot project の最終報告が行なわれることとなる。 ============================================================================= 1. APNIC David Conrad reported APNIC midterm status [apnic-006]. A working definition for "Asia-Pacific" was discussed, and we agreed on the following. The eastern boundary of AP is obvious, and the western boundary of AP is Central Asia and Middle East. We agreed that the countries in RINSCA of UNESCO/IIP Program are included in AP. If a country in the AP region wants to change her membership between Asia-Pacific and Europe by some reason, she can choose to do so. The project team proposed that the APNIC pilot project will be done as a distributed operation, separating its major functions into registration/directory/database services and information services [apnic-007]. The motivation for this separation is two-fold: to alleviate funding problem and promote collaboration of the NIC community in the AP region. In June 1994, it is expected that the APNIC pilot project will generate "criteria document" on the working experience of regional NIC's distributed operation, describing how the task can be separated and how the interface of subfunctions can be defined. Information services will try to organize general information by providing "national entry point" for various information servers as well as traditional information service like resource guide, network map, statistics, etc. [Action Item] APCCIRN agreed that APNIC pilot project team proceed with distributed operations, and delegate 202 and 203 class C blocks from InterNIC for the "superblock" allocation for CIDR'ization. 6. Country/Network/Project Reports Brief status report of the following were given. Missing information will be included in the country file. JPNIC (Masaya Nakayama) JPNIC has a plan to start geographic domain names. =============================================================================