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							Yeon Sang Lee 

Subject: APNG Meeting Minutes (1994.11.28-29)

	Time:  1994.11.28 (9:00-12:30) & 11.29 (8:30-12:30)
	Venue: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

1. Opening

   The APNG meeting was convened at 9:00  on 1994.11.28 at Tsinghua University
   in Beijing, China.  See Appendix B for the list of participants.

   The agenda(APNG-053, or Appendix A) was approved as presented.

   The minutes of Prague APNG Meeting (APNG-041) in June 1994 was reviewed and
   was approved as presented.

   The working group meetings were held in the afternoon of Nov. 28 as follows;

	Commercial (Bob Coggeshall)
	Developing Countries (Devendra Narayan)
	Internationalization/Localization (Masakata Ohta)

   The following BoF sessions were held in the evenings.

	Education (Shigeki Goto)
	Mapping (Glenn Mansfield)
	APNIC (David Conrad)

2. Reports

   1) Internet Society 

      Haruhisa Ishida introduced the Internet Society including
      BOT(Board of Trustees), IAB(Internet Architecture Board), and
      IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force).   The venue of INET'95 was
      changed to Honolulu in 28-30 June 1995, and the workshops for
      developing countries and K12 will he held prior to INET'95.

   2) CCIRN

      Kilnam Chon briefly introduced CCIRN(Coordinating Committee for 
      Intercontinental Research Network). The annual CCIRN Meeting is usually 
      held before/after the INET Conference and each continent(Asia-Pacific,
      Europe, and North America) are expected to send seven delegates.
      Deligates from the Asia Pacific region for 1995 include K. Chon,
      S. Asano, S. Goto, M. Cheng, and others from China, and other countries.

   3) PNC

      Kilnam Chon introduced the PNC(Pacific Neighborhood Consortium) and
      its annual meeting. Its primary concern is the networking information 
      services. The third PNC Meeting will be held in Bankok in 1995.1.18-20.
      For more information on the meeting, refer to the document APNG-059.

   3) Japan

      (1) IMnet

      Shigeki Goto reported on the background, the necessity, and the policy 
      outline of IMnet(Inter-Ministry Research Information Network).

      (2) MITI

      Shuichi Tashiro reported on the networking plan of MITI Japan. They have 
      projects to support Japan-Indonesia, Japan-Singapore, Japan-Australia 
      links. Installation will be completed in 1995. Their speeds will be
      64Kbps~192Kbps.  See APNG-065 for further information.

      (3) IAJ

      Toru Takahashi reported on IAJ(Internet Association of Japan) activities.
      It was founded in December, 1993 as an industrial association by 
      companies and organizations to develop Internet in Japan. There are 
      several working groups.  It also helps many activities of JPNIC, ISOC-JP,
      and so forth.

   4) Korea

      (1) KNC

      There was a report on the KNC(Korea Networking Council) by Kilnam Chon. 
      The name of ANC(Academic Networking Council) was changed to KNC.  KNC
      coordinates networking activities in Korea.  The current network 
      service providers in Korea are Kornet/Hana, KREN, KREONET, I*NET, Dacom, 
      and PosData among others.
      (2) NCA

      Kwan Ho Song presented the organization of NCA(National Computerizing
      Agency in Korea). Korea Networking Council has four classes of 
      committees; KNC Steering Committee, SG-INET, IETF-KR, and KRNET.
      KRNIC is also managed by NCA.

   5) China

      Daoyuan Hu introduced the National Communication Backbone, China's 
      Communication Infrastructure, CHINAPAC, Digital Data Network, Economic
      Information Network(the Golden Projects) and other matters on Internet in

      Hualin Qian presented on NCFC, the academic metropolitan area network 
      in Beijing with the international link funded by SSTC.  Xing Li presented
      on  CERNET(China Education and Research Network).  CERNET plans to 
      provide a backbone network for education and research community in China.
      Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and China Unicom also plan to
      provide nation-wide services.
   6) Singapore

      Tommi Chen presented status of Internet services in Singapore.
      Technet serves the research and education sector. EDUNET is 
      operated by the Ministry of Education and serves the school sector.
      SINGNET serves the commercial sector and is operated by Singapore 
      Telecom. The government Internet will interconnect all the government 
      departments and the Institute of Systems Science will be linked to
      Japan soon. 

      Michelle Chiang reported on the mission and WWW of Technet and Ong Wee 
      Cheong reported on the current status of Singnet.

   7) Hong Kong

      Bob Coggeshall presented the Internet links in Hong Kong. 
      HARNET(Hongkong Academic and Research NETwork) is connected to HKIGS
      with T1 and has 128Kbps Satellite connection to NASA Ames which was 
      upgraded this year. There are two commercial service providers in Hong 
      Kong.  City University of Hong Kong will connect to CERNET in China soon.      

   8) Taiwan

      Wen-Sung Chen reported on the network status of HiNet, TANet, Seednet.
      NII Council was created in July 1994. NII Council has four divisions; 
      resource planning, network construction, application technique and 
      promotion,and  education and basic application. 

   9) Bridge to Asia

      Jeff Smith introduced the ITS(Information-Transfer Stations). It is to
      serve users in developing countries in Asia by providing them with access
      to information resources. 

   10) North America

       David Conrad made the status report on NAPs, MAE-EAST, SMDS-West 
       and CIX. 

   11) APNIC(Asia Pacific Network Information Center)

       David Conrad reported on APNIC including the status of current address 
       The first APNIC Meeting will be held in Bangkok, in 16-17 January 1995.

6. Election of Chairs and Deputy Chairs

   Kilnam Chon introduced the brief history of APCCIRN/APNG and presented
   the current status of APNG and what to elect(Chair, Deputy Chairs, and

   It is decided to postpone the election until the next meeting in Honolulu
   in 30 June 1995, and to have an interim team until the election as follows;

	     Chair:	Kilnam Chon
	     Seminar:	Haruhisa Ishida
			CCIRN: Kilnam Chon, Shoichiro Asano, Shigeki Goto
			IEPG: Jun Murai
			ISOC: Haruhisa Ishida, Shigeki Goto, Jun Murai
			APNIC: David Conrad
	     WG Coordinators:
			apng-commercial: Bob Coggeshall
			apng-developing Countries: Devendra Narayan
			apng-i18n: Masakata Ohta
			apng-education: Wen-Sung Chen
	     BoF Session Coordinators:
			Mapping: Glenn Mansfield
			Information Infrastructure: Kwan Ho Song

   2) Election Working Group was created, and its members include;
	     		Bob Coggeshall (Coordinator)
			Devendra Narayan
			David Conrad
			Michelle Chiang
			(Up to ten members will be decided later.)

   3) Election WG will define the election procedure over email by 1 February
      1995, and let the procedure be approved by 15 February 1995.

   4) The election will be held at the next APNG meeting in Honolulu on
      30 June 1995.

7. Working Group/BoF Session Meeting Summary

   1) Commercial (apng-commercial)

      Bob Coggeshall reported on the Commercial WG Meeting.
      Country provider reports were made at the meeting and they discussed
      on the ILC costs, INET'95 Commercial Programs, CIX, and URLs for Link DB,
      which will be made by Tommi Chen.
      See the document, APNG-061 for the meeting minutes.

   2) Developing Countries (apng-develop)

      Devendra Narayan made a report on the Developing Countries WG Meeting.
      They discussed about providing more opportunity to attend the Internet
      related workshops to members from developing countries. The ideas are to
      hold workshops in various region so that the local people can attend,
      to provide access to relevant training materials to hold local workshops
      on their own, and to send volunteers and assist such workshops.

      APNG would collaborate with the group of Bridge to Asia and assist them
      to expand useful services to regions in Asia. To help China to establish
      satellite earth stations to enable network access in the whole of China,
      Glenn Mansfield will collect the information on the experts at Internet 
      Operations using satellites and relevant information.

      During the meeting, it was decided to form the sub-working group on
      the specification of Chinese messages in the Internet as follows;

	Name:		apng-cc@apng.org
	Coordinator:    Zhu Haifeng/Tsinghua University, Beijing<zhf@net.edu.cn>
 	To Subscribe:   listserv@apng.org
      See the document, APNG-062 for the apng-develop meeting minutes.

   3) Internationalization/Localization (apng-i18n)

      Masakata Ohta reported on the Internarionalization/Localization WG 
      Meeting. The discussion was made on the Chinese character processing at
      the meeting. They also discussed about the name change of the working 
      group without any conclusion from the meeting.

      See the document, APNG-063 for the meeting minutes.

   4) Education (apng-education)
      Shigeki Goto reported on the Education BoF Meeting.
      The discussion was on the K-12 workshop in INET'95. They decided to 
      try effort to send at least one school teacher from each region to
      the K-12 workshop of INET'95.
      See the document, APNG-064 for the meeting minutes.

   5) Mapping

      Shuichi Tashiro reported on the Mapping BoF Meeting on behalf of Glenn
      Mansfield, who chaired the BoF session on the mapping.
      They will start their mailing list with the name mapping@apng.org
      and discuss about the mapping Internet further.       

   6) II(Information Infrastructure)

      Kwan Ho Song was requested to coordinate the II BoF Session.
      Kwan Ho Song from Korea, Yusheng Ji from Japan, and Wen-Sung Chen from 
      Taiwan made brief presentations on the NII in their regions. 

8. Related Meetings

   Kilnam Chon presented the related meeting schedules including 
   INET, CCIRN, IETF, Interop, and Internet World . 

9. Next Meetings

   Future APNG Meetings will be held as follows.

	1995.6.30-7.1	Honolulu(after INET'95)
	1995.1		Singapore 
	1996.6		Montreal(after INET'96)
	1997.1  	Hong Kong
								Kilnam Chon

APPENDIX A: Agenda for APNG Meetings in Beijing, 1994.11.28-29

1. General Meeting (Mornings of 11.28, and 29)


	Minutes Review

	Election of Chairs and Deputy Chairs
	Working Group Overview

		Internet Society(BoT, IAB, IETF, INET)
		Meetings(CCIRN, IEPG, PNC,...)
		Organizations(APNG Secretariat, APNIC)
	Host Country Report(China)
	Working Group Meeting Summary
	Education/K12 Issues
	Information Infrastructure Issues
	Connectivity(NAP, GIX,..) Issues
	Next Meetings

2. Working Group Meetings(Afternoon of 11.28, Monday)

	Commercial(apng-commecial)			13:00 - 18:00

	Developing Countries(apng-develop)		13:00 - 15:30
	Internationalization/Localization(apng-i18n)	16:00 - 18:00

	There will be APNG Seminars in 1994.11.26-27(prior to APNG Meetings).

	APNG Meetings starts at 9:00 on 1994.11.28, and finish at 13:00 on

	Working Group Meetings will be held in parallel.  

	There may be BoF sessions during the APNG Meetings.  Let me know if
	you would like to hold the session.

	There is the joint meeting of China and APNG in Monday(14:00-16:00).
	Some of the APNG participants are invited to participate the meeting.

	There are visits to local institutions such as Tsinghua University,
	and possibly Peking University and Academia Sinica.  We will provide
	further information on Monday.

								Yeon Sang Lee

APPENDIX B: List of Participants to APNG Meeting in 1994.11.28-29(Draft) 

	Tianbai Qian(ICA)			 <tbqian@ns.cnc.ac.cn>
	Daoyuan Hu(Tsinghua University)		 <hdy@tsinghua.edu.cn>
    	Shoukui Ren(Peking Univeristy)		 <ccren@pku.edu.cn>
    	Hualin Qian(Academia Sinica)		 <hlqian@ns.cnc.ac.cn>
	Jianping Wu(CERNET)			 <jianping@cernet.edu.cn>
	Xing Li(CERNET)				 <xing@cernet.edu.cn>
	Yue You(CERNET)				 <youyue@cernet.edu.cn>
	Ming Lu(Tsinghua University)		 <luming@tsinghua.edu.cn>
	Susan S. Zhu(Tsinghua University)	 <szhu@cernet.edu.cn>
	Baojue Chen(Peking University)		 
        Xinggang Wang
        Qiming Li
        Xiaoguo Dong
        Yunjie Liu
        Xiaofan Zhao(China Unicom)		 +86-1-8271703(Fax)
        Xiaoling Teng(Peking University)	 <ccteng@pku.edu.cn>
        Lin Yang
        Weigang Yue
	Ban Chen
	WAN Jun(MPT)				 +86-1-2053995(Fax)
	YANG Xi-fen(MPT)			 +86-1-6011250(Fax)				 
 	WANG Guo-xing(Fudan University)		 +86-21-8749221(Fax)				
Hong Kong	
	Che-Hoo Cheng(CUHK)		 	 <chehoocheng@cuhk.hk> 			
 	Wendy Lin(HK Supernet)			 <Lin.Wendy@HK.Super.NET>
	Bob Coggeshall(Cogwheel)		 <coggs@HK.Super.NET>
	Lawrence Law(HKUST)			 <cclaw@usthk.ust.hk>
	Raymond Poon(CPHK)	 		 <ccrpoon@cphkvx.cphk.hk>
	Chi Yuen Kwok(CPHK)			 <cccykwok@cphkvx.cphk.hk>
	Lau Sai Yiu 				 <sylau@hk.net>
	Aaron Y.T. CHEUNG 			 <aaron@hk.net>
	LUNG Tzong Hann 			 <thlung@hk.net>
	Pui Tak Ho(Hong Kong University)	 <hcxchpt@hkucc.hku.hk>
	LEE Chun Yip				 <cylee@synergie.com>
	Kinming Fung				 <kin@axp400b.csc.cuhk.hk>  
	William Yeung                   
	Leung Kin-wing(HK Baptist University)	 <joel@ctsc.hkbc.hk> 
        Shigeki Goto(NTT)			 <goto@ntt-20.ntt.jp>		
	Shuichi Tashiro(ETL)			 <tashiro@etl.go.jp>		
	Masaki Hirabaru(AIST-Nara)		 <hi@is.aist-nara.ac.jp>		
	Haruhisa Ishida(Tokyo University)	 <ishida@tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
	Toshifumi Matsumoto(ATT Jens/Spin)	 <toshif@sys.attjens.co.jp>	
	Masataka Ohta(TIT)			 <mohta@cc.titech.ac.jp>
	Toru Takahashi(IAJ/Interop/Tokyo Internet) <toru@interop.co.jp>
	Devendra Narayan(SUT)			 <narayan@sut.ac.jp>
	Tom Agoston(IBM)			 <agoston@vnet.IBM.COM>
	Glenn Mansfield(AIC)			 <glenn@aic.co.jp>
	Tatsuo Kaida(SINET)			 <tk@sinet.ad.jp>
	Yusheng Ji(NACSIS)			 <kei@rd.nacsis.ac.jp>
	Suguru Yamaguchi(WIDE/JEPG/IP)		 <suguru@is.aist-nara.ac.jp>
	Tojo Iwao(Tokyo Internet)		 <tojo@suri.co.jp>      
	Shinji Umeyama 
	Hiroshi Fukaishi(Suri Giken) 
	David R. Conrad(IIJ/APNIC)		 <davidc@iij.ad.jp>			
	Atsuko Okasumi(NTT)			 <oka@nttspe.ntt.jp>
	Yuichi Suzuki(Secom)			 <ysuzuki@secom-sis.co.jp>
	Akira Tasiro(Fujitsu)			 <aki@web.ad.jp>
	Mizuho Mori(SUT)
	Riku Raky(Keio University)

	Kilnam Chon(KAIST)			 <chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr>
	Kwan Ho Song(NCA)			 <khsong@hen.nca.go.kr>
	Yeon Sang Lee(KAIST/APNG-Sec)		 <apng-sec@krnic.net>			
	D. Enkhbat 				 <enkhbat@magic.igc.apc.org>

        Michelle Chiang(Technet)		 <michelle@solomon.technet.sg>		
	Tommy Chen(NetCenter/Technet)		 <tommi@solomon.technet.sg>
	Hock-Koon Lim				 <lim@ctron.com>
	Liew Lai Kuen(Singnet/Singapore Telecom) <lkong@singnet.com.sg>

	Yu-Hsuan Chen(TWNIC)			 <candy@moers2.edu.tw>			
	Albert Liou(SEEDNET)			 <liou@iiidns.iii.org.tw>			
	Wen-sung Chen(MoE)			 <wschen@moers2.edu.tw>

	Gene C. Choy(CISCO)			 <gchoy@cisco.com>
	Jeff Smith(Bridge to Asia)		 <jasmith@well.sf.ca.us>






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