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                                                       1998/08/18 運営委員会
                                                       資料 3-7


Geneva での INET98 に付帯して開かれた会合

7.20 午前	ISOC Advisory Councile (丸山、大橋)(詳細は資料2-7)
7.21 午前、午後	APccTLD Inaugural Meeting(高橋、丸山、大橋)
			JP, KR, AU, NU, HK, NZ, TW, SG, CN が出席
7.23 午後	ccTLD BOF(RIPE CENTR の Fay Howard の呼びかけで開催)
		--> wwTLD 結成へ(http://www.ripe.net/centr/wwtldfull.html)
7.24 午後	IFWP(International Forum on The White Paper)
7.25 午前、午後	IFWP (http://www.geneva.ifwp.org/)

APccTLD の会合は元々APNGの会合の一環として企画された。APNG関係の会合と

1. APccTLD(7.21)
2. CCIRN Measurement Meeting(7.21)
3. APNG General Meeting(7.24)
4. APNG WG and BoF Meetings(7.25)
5. CCIRN General Meeting(7.25)

が開かれ、JPNICはこのうち 1, 3 を財政援助することになった。

この他、 次回のAPRICOT実行委員会(APRICOTは従来APNICが主催する形であっ

Singapore での IFWP-Asia (http://www.ifwp.org/ap.html) 及びこれに付帯

8.11 朝		APccTLD Taskforce meeting
8.11 午前	APccTLD Open Plenary Meeting
8.11 午後	wwTLD Open meeting, member meeting
8.12 朝		APccTLD member meeting
8.12 午前、午後	IFWP-Asia
8.12 夜		APNIC の新事務局長 Paul Wilson とmember country の顔合せ
		(参加者の自己紹介が行なわれた後、Paul は各国の希望など
		を聞いた。韓国からはConfedereation に対するIPアドレス
8.13 午前、午後	IFWP-Asia

IFWP-Asia の開催費用は JPNIC からも 2,000$US の援助を決定した(8.7 の

APccTLD の会合では、 JPNICがこの組織の事務局を引き受けるために以下の提
案を出し、8.12 朝の会合で、以下の議事録にあるように承認された。

		Plan of APccTLD secretariat

		   by N. Maruyama(JPNIC)
		       Aug. 11 1998

1. Function

  1.1 Maintaining Mailing lists
  1.2 Maintaining Web page
		TLD contact Database
		Allocation policy information
		Minutes of meetings
  1.3 Support for Board, Committee (and WGs)
  1.4 Preparation for meeting, workshops.
  1.5 Making minutes
  1.6 Accounting/Book keeping

2. Human resource needed

     Deeply dependent on how many projects the organization will
  undertake.  The minimum function will demand 1.5 full time staffs.

3. Budget needed

     JPNIC would like to offer 1 full time staff, and office
  facilities and equipments needed for all staffs. Estimated cost for
  the remaining 0.5 staff will be 20,000 US$.

4. Stability

     We must keep in mind that voluntary efforts sometime produce
  great result in short term but usually will not last.  There is a
  possibility that JPNIC can offer more this year, but considering
  stability of the organization, too much generous plan must be
  carefully avoided.

		The minutes of an APccLTD meeting on 12 Aug. 1998

Venue:		Lavender Room 1 in Orchard Hotel, Singapore
Time:		From 8:01 am to 9:00 am, 12 Aug. 1998
Chaired by:	Prof. Kilnam Chon(KR)
Participants (Alphabetical order on ISO-3166 code):
	Tommy Ho(AS),
	Robert Elz(AU), 
	Naomasa Maruyma(JP)
	Sea Nareth(KH), Norbert Klein(KH)
	Kilam Chon(KR)
	Azmah Abd  Malik(MY)
	Jim Higgins(NZ),
	Jeel Disini(PH),
	Noel Mobiha(PG)
	Mathias Koerber(SG), Agnes Lee(SG), Khoo Boon Hing(SG)
	Pensri Arunwatanamongkol(TH), Kanchana Kanchanasut(TH)
	Kuo Wu(TW)

(From 7:41am to 8:01am)
Before the official meeting started, informal discussion was held about
workshop in next March.

    Discussion: What subjects should be treated (and who will be
	        the volunteers for these)?
	- Legal issues		(NZ)
	- Finance		(TW, NZ)
	- Charging		(AU)
	- 2nd Level Domain Name:
		Moderation	(SG)
	- Creation		(KR)
	- Measurement/Statistics (JP, NZ)
	- Top level domain delegation
    Proposal: Form a program committee chaired by Jim Higgins(NZ). Other
	      members include Agnes Lee(SG), Noel Mobiha(PG), Kuo
	      Wu(TW) and Norbert Klein(KH).

(Official Meeting from 8:01am)
1. Title, Objectives/Aims, Terms of reference of this Organization
  1.1 Title
      Resolution: The title shall be "APTLD".
  1.2 Objectives/Aims
      Resolution: The Objectives/Aims shall be as follows:
	Involvement in the Internet naming process in the Asia-Pacific
	region.  The involvement includes the following:
	  - Representation of TLDs in Asia-Pacific,
	  - Liaison with other bodies(as appropriate),
	  - Internet governance relevant to naming,
	  - Maintaining stability and continuity of naming systems,
	  - "Skill development"/Shared name service
	  - Harmonization of naming in the region
	  - Facilitation of dispute resolution
	  - Education
	  - Research and Development
  1.3 Terms of Reference
      Resolution: Toru Takahashi, vice chair in charge of
	          administration, will work out the final document for
	          Terms of Reference by the end of this year based on
	          discussion on Mailing lists.

2. Election/Nomination
  2.1 Chair
      Resolution: Prof. Kilnam Chon should serve as the Interim Chair
	          through the next meeting held next March in conjunction
	          with APRICOT.
  2.2 Vice Chairs
      Resolution: Vice chairs and his/her role are resolved as
	          follows, and these people form the executive
	Toru Takahashi(JP) Administration (including coordination of
				liaison with other bodies)
	Patrick O'Brien(NZ)	Finance
	Jim Higgins(NZ)		Education including Workshop
	Kuo Wu(TW)		Projects
	Agnes Lee(SG)		Developing country support
  2.3 Projects
      Resolution: Following projects are created with the following
	          persons as organizers:
	Multilingual DNS	Tan Tin Wee		
	Domain survey		Adam Peake		
	2nd level domain name	(Undecided)
  2.4 Secretariat
      Resolution: JPNIC will serve as a tentative Secretariat until
	          next March, and TW and AU will second it.

3. Funding
      Resolution: Funds and seed money for next one year shall be based
	          on donation.  A goal for donations is set to $50,000
	          US dollars. Funds are to be used for costs of the
	          secretariat, travel support, and workshop support.

4. Relation to wwTLD
      Resolution: We will collaborate with wwTLD.

5. Membership
      Resolution: We accept any TLD which wants to participate as a member.

6. Meeting Schedule
	We plan to have meetings as follows:
	Sep. 1998: Ad-hoc meeting during IFWP.
	Mar. 1999: Annual meeting and Workshop in conjunction with APRICOT.
	Jun. 1999: Joint meeting with CENTR and other regional
	           bodies in conjunction with INET99.

7. Bank account
	Resolution: JPNIC(Japan Network Information Center) will open
	            a bank account under its custody in Japan for this
	            organization "APTLD".

	Signature by the Chair:

	12 August, 1998

				(Kilnam Chon)






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