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Johannes Chiang氏からのご回答
Reply from Professor Johannes Chiang

1) Concerning new gTLDs; How do you think ICANN should incorporate various opinions?
Do you have any ideas regarding its policy?

2)It seems that organized election campaign has been held in Asia such as in Japan
  and in China. Do you support this kind of acitivity or not?

3) Concerning multiligual domain; Do you have any opinion regarding the introduction
   of multilingual domain names?  What is your specific plan as a ICANN director to
   deal with the multilingual domian names?

4)It is generally said that the total number of gTLD registration is more than 20
  million, while that of ccTLD registration is 6 million. The number of gTLD or other
  new TLD seems to increase continually as the new TLD are introduced by ICANN. Do you
  think any measure is needed to enhance registration and use of ccTLD?

Subject: [JPNIC ig-sg-ml 5] Re: Internet Governance Study Session
From: "Johannes Chiang" < chi@mis.nccu.edu.tw >
To: < ig-sg-ml@nic.ad.jp >
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 13:53:20 +0800
Reply-To:  ig-sg-ml@nic.ad.jp 
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200

Dear all,

The following states my opinions to your questions:

2. It seems that organized election campaign has been held in Asia such as
in Japan and in China. Do you support this kind of acitivity or not?
Ans: Absolutely not. I've heard of this for sometime. But, we must also say,
we don't have any evidences about this until now. So, I like to say, don't
let it happen, and I need your votes in this election.

1. Concerning new gTLDs; How do you think ICANN should incorporate various
> Do you have any ideas regarding its policy?
Ans: As you can read in my document, I support to increase gTLD without
"unneccessary" restrictions. From the technical point of view, to increase
gTLD means a test to the stability and scalability of our exsiting DNS. And,
it takes time to have the new gTLD funtioning in a fine way. From a
socialogical point of view, which new gTLD should we increase is a
problematcis of consensus. For instance, many told me we should devide .com
into new gTLDs and may have a ".sme" (for small and meddle sized
enterprises). On the other hand, I also know that many SMEs don't like this
I believe that we could increse gTLD but must evaluate in what number could
we do in one time, i.e. the stability of exsisting DNS and functionality of
the new one are the most important critierien to help our decision.
Secondly, we could determine which new gTLDs should at first be in process
(priority) by vote or endorsement, and even by giving the new gTLDs a test
period. I mean, if in a certain time just few people really apply a new
gTLD, it should not run into the real-life process. (Sorry, I have to answer
so long, as you know this is a complcated question. Please also feedback
your opinions to me.)

3. Concerning multiligual domain; Do you have any opinion regarding the
introduction of multilingual domain names?  What is your specific plan as a
ICANN director to deal with the multilingual domian names?
Ans: Multilingual domain names could be bery helpful for those who do not
know English to enter the Internet world, at least they could communicate
with their those who speak the same language. Naturally, if we want the MDN
run globally, we are facing the facit of translation machanism. This is a
crucial issue. I have worked for a multilingual document management system
in Han-Character (Kanri) region. I know that even the same word in Japanese
could have different meaning than in Chinese.
As I know, there is already a cooperation connnecting the experts from
China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan for the development of the M-DNS in the
far-east. I will of course support their afforts and even work together with
them. Last but not least, I believe that m-DNS should be at first developed
by regional groups in which the members have the similiar langusges. More
explicitly speaking, I think we should at first resolve the local problems,
we have then the chances to resolve the global one. At least, m-DNS will
facilitate the outreach of the Internet.

4)It is generally said that the total number of gTLD registration is more
than 20 million, while that of ccTLD registration is 6 million. The number
of gTLD or other new TLD seems to increase continually as the new TLD are
introduced by ICANN. Do you think any measure is needed to enhance
registration and use of ccTLD?

Yes. I think Internet will run over the borden of nationality.

Johannes Chiang






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