8. English Page
8.2 The Explanation of graphs
New Registered Domains
Monthly total number of application for JP domain name
JPNIC Registered Domains(I)
Monthly transition in the number of application for each second level domain
JPNIC Registered Domains(II)
The transition in the number of registration of JP domain name except for CO, OR, NE Which registration is in larger number
JPNIC Registered Domains(III)
Proportion of JP second level domain registration as of the latest month
The transition in the number of JPNIC members
JPNIC Database Update Transactions
Monthly transition in the number of transactions for domain name application processing
Transmission Statistics(FTP)
Monthly transition in the number of access to the JPNIC FTP server (ftp://ftp.nic.ad.jp/)
Transmission Statistics(WWW)
Monthly transition in the number of access to the JPNIC WEB server (http://www.nic.ad.jp/)