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from JPNIC

Dear Readers,

We regret to learn that Dr. Suguru Yamaguchi, Professor of Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) and a Trustee of JPNIC, passed away on May 9, 2016, at the age of 52. He is widely recognized as a pioneer of the Internet and a guru of cybersecurity area in Japan and other regions. He talked with a bright and cheerful intonation and always gave us energy and hope. At JPNIC, he served as a Trustee for 14 years, playing the leading role in its security business, particularly the authentication of Internet resources. Without his contributions we couldn't have launched services like the authentication of address holders and Resource PKI. May he rest in peace.

The preface for this issue was written by Mr. Paul Wilson, Director General of APNIC. In this preface, he introduces APNIC's new movement of the “APNIC Foundation” to advance their development activities.

“Special Article 1: Report on JPNIC General Member Meetings” covers the previous two General Meetings held in March and June 2016. This article reports on the approval of JPNIC's Annual Report and the settlement of accounts in FY2015 as well as on our business plan and budgets for FY2016. In addition, new JPNIC board members (14 Trustees and 3 Auditors), seven of whom have been newly-appointed, were elected. Their aspirations and photos appear in this article as well.

The “Special Article 2”, reports on the current situation surrounding the IANA stewardship transition, which was triggered by the announcement by the US government of its intent to transition the stewardship on IANA functions to the “global multi-stakeholder community” in April 2014. After that, the proposal for the post-transition framework was discussed until March 2016, when the ICANN Board, on behalf of the multi-stakeholder community, submitted a plan to the US Government. Now it is under discussion in the US Government. If approved, it will lead to a new global shape of Internet governance.

“A Scene on the Internet History” features “Establishment of Japan UNIX Society (jus).” Jus, founded in June 1983, is a leading user group of UNIX in Japan and has been active up to now. “Introducing JPNIC Member,” which focuses on a JPNIC member with interesting activities this time introduces Chubu Telecommunications Co Inc.(CTC) headquartered in Nagoya. CTC, as a regional telecom operator of the KDDI group, provides various communication services such as optical Internet, wide area Ethernet, private leased lines, Internet connections and data centers in five prefectures of central Japan. Also they have a progressive approach to IPv6 and have been offering IPv6-enabled circumstance as a standard service for no charge since August 2012. The IPv6 penetration ratio accounts for up to 80 percent within their consumer services. From this article we can see their firm commitment and highest standard of technical expertise with their mission “For providing safe and stable Internet.”

“Internet terms in ten minutes” this time covers “Network Neutrality” , which has become a major topic in the broadband industry in recent years but hardly discussed in Japan. This article introduces you to past discussions and recent issues about this topic.

This issue further covers JPNIC's activities like “Internet White Paper 2016”, JPIRR, results of the IPv6 penetration survey in 2015 etc. along with APRICOT 2016/APNIC 41 and IETF 95 reports.

We hope this Newsletter is useful for many readers. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at jpnic-news@nic.ad.jp. Your input is always highly appreciated.






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