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Dear Readers

June 6, 2018 was the 6th anniversary of the World IPv6 Launch Event conducted by the Internet Society. On that day, we published an article entitled "Six years after the World IPv6 launch: IPv6 deployment status in Japan <https://blog.nic.ad.jp/blog/june6_ipv6/#english>" on our blog, in both Japanese and English. If you are interested, please take a look.

This issue of the newsletter highlights the following three special articles.

・Recently, we held the JPNIC General Meeting where JPNIC members approved the FY2017 Annual Report and the new line-up of the Board of Trustees and Auditors. "Special Article 1" covers the Annual Report for FY2018 as well as a Business Plan for FY2018 which was approved during the previous General Meeting in March. It also introduces the members of the newly formed Board of Trustees and Auditors.

・"Special Article 2" features "Internet Week Showcase in Hiroshima" held at Hiroshima University on May 31 and June 1. As the name implies, we showcased the best of "Internet Week 2017", an event held last autumn. Moreover, we provided live-streaming on this occasion to make the event viewable from all over the country.

・"Special Article 3" introduces the results of the "Survey of IPv6 deployment" that we conducted among JPNIC members and Local Internet Registries in the Spring. Please take a look at it along with the report, "Six years after the World IPv6 launch: IPv6 deployment status in Japan", mentioned above.

The issue also includes the following articles.

・In the "Prologue to the Internet: its Technologies and Services", the"JP29-type-robot "Nic-kun" and Dr. Netson of the Internet Institute explain "How did people search information at the dawn of the Internet?" These days, we can find any information we need using search engines, even by voice command. It is really difficult for us today to imagine how Internet users in the early days found the information they needed on the World Wide Web. The forerunners of the Internet created the “Web Directory” from scratch, through trial and error. Nic-kun and Dr. Nelson demystify how this happened.

・"Introducing JPNIC members" focuses on a particular JPNIC member engaged in interesting activities. This time it introduces SYNAPSE Co., Ltd., located in Kagoshima prefecture. Just as the English word "synapse" means a junction between two nerve cells, so they provide services whose value hinges on the connections between people and the connections between people and things. Kagoshima is a large prefecture that includes remote islands with natural disasters. On the day of our visit to the company, Sakurajima famous for being one of Japan's most active volcanoes was belching volcanic smoke and ash. It was impressive to see how the team actively utilized ICT and focused on maintaining educational and enlightening activities for local revitalization.

・"Internet loves you" is a corner which introduces "a person" who is active in the Internet industry. This time, we introduce Mr. Kenta Mochizuki who serves mainly in international relations at Yahoo Japan Corporation, and as a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). He contributes to the Japan Internet Governance Conference (IGCJ) in many other ways, too. He is also quite active in his private life as a keen runner who can finish a full-length marathon in three hours or so. We asked him about how he become active in the international arena, the difficulty of international negotiations, his dreams and so on.

・"10 Minute Internets Course" covers technology trends surrounding web browsers, certificate authorities, and trust anchors. It is becoming common to use HTTPS on Web browsers due to various security concerns, But the role of the certification authority, which is the key to its trust, has not changed for more than 20 years. In recent years, incidents such as the erroneous and fraudulent issuance of certificates, have eroded the trust between Web browsers and certificate authorities. How can we maintain the reliability of Internet communications? This article looks back over the history of these issues and introduces the trends and technologies currently underway to prevent illegal issuance of certificates.

You'll also find, "Internet Topics", the"JPNIC Activity Report", "Statistics" etc. for the past several months. If you have any comments or feedback, please feel free to contact us at jpnic-news@nic.ad.jp.






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